Saturday, June 15, 2013


... --'Anchorman'

So, yesterday I had--YET ANOTHER--"swallow-study" to monitor if/how I'm progressing.  
It wasn't PERFECT, but I received MOSTLY great reports.
The testing-nurse gave me SOME CHEMICAL (I THINK it was "barium".) to drink--by MOUTH.  After my "test", my nurse told me that she's going to give me MORE laxatives to "FLUSH" the harmful chemical "out of my system".

OBVIOUSLY, it's working:

I've had SOLID excretions (YAY!) THREE times ... and ONE MOSTLY liquid poop ( :( ) since the "test".
Let's calculate.

The "test" started at ~noon yesterday.
My LAST "EXTRAVAGANZA of EXCREMENT"/"POOP=PARTY"/"BONANZA of BOWEL-movements"/"SOIREE of STOOLS" was ~15 minutes ago.  
(Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

~NOON one day to ~11:00 am the NEXT DAY = ~23 hours
4 poops in ~23 hours = (Carry the one.) Poop every ~5.75 hours.
~23 hours x 60 minutes = ~1,380 minutes
4 poops in ~1,380 minutes = (Carry the one.) Poop every ~345 minutes = ~5 hours and 45 minutes = 5.75 hours

(I apologize for--AGAIN--blogging about my excretory-activity.

... ACTUALLY, this concerns my HEALTH, which is the whole PURPOSE of my blog! 
So, upon further revere, I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry!

P.S. Unlike Baxter--the dog of "Ron Burgundy"(THE 'Anchorman'), I did NOT "poop in the refrigerator" NOR did I "(eat) a WHOLE WHEEL of CHEESE".

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