Friday, June 28, 2013

She's LOUD!

I decided to show my mom my "work".  
So, I called her into my room.  
THEN, I swung my legs off the LEFT SIDE of my bed.
Using PHYSICS ... and my strong abdominal muscles, I sat upright on the edge of my bed.  
NEXT, I squirmed my buttocks, 'til my feet were FLAT on the floor.
Heeding the advice of the owner/"HEAD TRAINER" of my gym--"NeuroFit 360" (SPECTACULAR, HELPFUL, VERY BENEFICIAL facility!), I 

--spread my feet apart ~shoulder-length distance
--made sure my feet were FLAT on the ground
--leaned forward to put my "NOSE over TOES"
--waited a few seconds to get a BIG breath   ,

and I STOOD UP ... ON MY OWN!  

(... Granted, I ONLY stood ALONE for ~10 seconds.  But, it's STILL a GREAT START!)

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