Sunday, December 18, 2016

(LATE SATURDAY) 'Tis the season of GIVING.

INSTEAD-of Martial Arts-CLASS this morning, they/we had a small Holiday-Party/-Get-Together for the STUDENTS & for their PARENTS.  

... I DRESSED-in CASUAL-attire ... WITH a Santa-hat, but I brought a basket-FULL of DIFFERENTLY-flavored CANDY CANES.

... Sooo, after I handed-out CANDY (-canes) to ALL the KIDS, the Karateka--naturally--LOVED me, & the 'rents strongly ... DIS-liked me ... for PUMPIN' their children FULL o' SUGAR!  

-- I had a GREAT-meeting with a FRIENDLY book-Editor!

... She discussed some very-PROMISING Production-/ Publication-avenues. 

-- I had  very-COMICAL & ENJOYABLE "Stocking-stuffers" par-TAY with my mom, my housemate, my EX-housemate & my buddy's stepdad.

... 'Twas so GREAT that I--EXHAUSTED--fell-ASLEEP ... EARLY.


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