Friday, December 2, 2016

(FRIDAY) Well, well, ... WELL! 'Twas a SOLID-day of RELAXED ... excitement!

-- MAINLY, I went-OUT for an EARLY-dinner with my mom, her friend, my sister, my housemate & my EX-housemate.

... We ate at a VEGAN-restaurant, & I ate--by MOUTH--EIGHT small bites of "veggie stir-fry".

-- From THERE, I went STRAIGHT-to Saint Thomas Aquinas High School--my ALMA MATER--to witness ONLY the first half of the Raiders' State-SEMIFINAL game against Venice High.

... I DEPARTED ~3 minutes BEFORE HALFTIME, 'cuz we were UP, 43-8!

... My outfit MIGHT've played a MINOR-role in St. Thomas's MASSACRE.  ... I SPORTED my NEW 'St. Thomas WRESTLING-Staff shirt ... that I'd JUST-received as a GIFT from the wrestling-HEAD Coach--who WAS MY ASSISTANT Coach in MY day.


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