Friday, November 23, 2012


So, over the last few days, I've decided to "push it".  (By "it" I mean my "capability-level".) 

So,  I'm laying (EXCUSE ME!  The "Grammar-Police" just corrected me and gave me a citation.  It's " ... LYING".)--LYING--in bed, and I've dropped too close to the end of my bed.  So, picture my feet practically sticking off the end of my bed.  Without any assistance, I use my little controller to RAISE the LOWER half of my bed, and make the UPPER half.  (THIS PROCESS allows GRAVITY to assist me in resolving said predicament.) 
It's ALL angles!  ((Yeah, I took Trigonometry (study of angles) class my sophomore year of high school.))   

Also, when I'm exiting a car, I PREFER to prepare to do my car-exit MYSELF.  
First, I'll place my glasses and wipe-towel on the dashboard.  NEXT, I'll unbuckle my seatbelt with my better, stronger, UN-injured RIGHT hand.  THEN, I'll REALLY lean to my LEFT as I swing my legs/feet UP/OVER and OUT of the RIGHT side of the car.  (To my FELLOW Physics-NERDS, that would be "angular momentum".)  FINALLY, I patiently wait for my "escort" to put my wheelchair together.

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