Thursday, November 15, 2012

RELAX! I'm no longer GREEN.

... My Physical Therapist called off my session this morning and rescheduled for LATE this afternoon.  However, he was STILL ~34 minutes and 26.58 seconds (I approximated so much, because "People today have attention-spans that can only be measured in NANOseconds!"--'Baseketball') LATE!  

Nonetheless, I was NOT happy about his truancy!  However, I used my unhappiness/disappointment as "FUEL" for my EVENTUAL Physical Therapy.  My Physical Therapist said: "THAT might have been THE BEST walking" he'd "seen" me do.  

(The subject concerns "The Incredible Hulk".  He turns GREEN and BULKS UP when he gets VERY ANGRY.) 

(Ladies, in my case, substitute an "N" in for the "L".)
(Ergo, I'm the "Incredible HuNk".)

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