Thursday, July 11, 2013

"BACK-HANDED compliment":

(My blog is NOT meant as a "podium" to "BAD-mouth" people!  
But, this event was SO GREAT that I HAD TO explain!)

A few days ago, one of my--two--nurses leaned over to "feed me"--via my "g-tube", and it metaphorically "HIT ME"!

CONTRARY to what my doctors have told me (I am steadily losing more and MORE respect for those in the medical profession.), I could 



I couldn't identify the EXACT smell.  (PERHAPS my IN-ability to ascertain the PRECISE source of said aroma/STENCH is due to my FIVE YEARS and FIVE DAYS of IN-activity.)
But, I CAN say (I JUST VERBALIZED IT ... THREE TIMES!) it was RATHER unpleasant.  (It was almost "musty" maybe.)

To lighten the mood, I ALMOST quoted 'Anchorman': 
"It STINGS the nostrils."

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