Tuesday, February 18, 2014

MENTAL workout

What does THAT MEAN?
Did I break it?"
(--''Grandma's Boy'')

So, I JUST concluded my wake-up routine of beginning my day with "a heavy dose" of the computer-MEMORY/LOGIC/REASONING game--"Minesweeper".

(… MORE details in LATER posts)

I JUST "BEAT" the "Expert"-level (30 spaces by 16 spaces = 480 POSSIBLE errors) in

304 seconds = 5 minutes and four seconds = ~5.0667 minutes.

(… My PREVIOUS "Best time" was

332 seconds = 5 minutes and 32 seconds = ~5.5333 minutes.)

Ergo, MUCH of my "Traumatic Brain-Injury" is ODD/STRANGE.
I'm PROUD to be an ANOMALY.

"It's a very complicated case: alotta INS, alotta OUTS, alotta WHAT-HAVE-YOU.
Alotta 'strands' to keep in ol' 'Duder''s head."
(--'The Big Lebowski')


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