Monday, February 24, 2014

(SEMI-warning) "'ALMOST' only matters with horseshoes and hand-grenades."

So, I completed my typical morning-routine:

-- Check my "whiteboard" for ANY/ALL appointments that day.
-- Nearly OVERFLOW my urinal with my MAELSTROM of urine.
-- Beat "Minesweeper" three times.

Only, I found it a bit ODD that my "time" in EACH of my THREE victories was

419 seconds.

So, I tried for a fourth.

… ALAS, I could ONLY win in

357 seconds.

I could NOT--AGAIN--duplicate the numerical-output.
But, my MENTAL-"strength" is IMPROVING!

This WHOLE "process" took AT LEAST

( 3 x 419 + 357 = 1257 + 357 =
1,614 seconds = 1614/60 =
26.9 minutes

NOW … I may BEGIN my day.


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