Monday, February 24, 2014

WHO are my "K Men"?!

(a la Professor Charles Xavier and his "X Men")

I ask, because I displayed some REMARKABLE--albeit probably purely COINCIDENTAL--"telekinetic powers"!  
(Professor X can "talk to people"/"move things" WITH HIS MIND.)

1) One minute my LEFT shoulder was REALLY HURTING during the "incline-PRESS".
After "consulting with my brain--and WILL POWER", said shoulder STOPPED hurting.

2) I was lying down on the cushioned table/"raised mat" while working a SIMULTANEOUS arm- AND leg-lift machine.  After NUMEROUS "leg-lockouts", I "TOLD" EACH/BOTH of my LEGS to REMAIN SLIGHTLY bent while STILL pushing FULL-strength.

3) When I was gettin ' in the car AFTER my GREAT workout at my gym, I noticed that my seatbelt-buckle was "HIDDEN" somewhere in the seat.  So, I "WILLED it" to "SHOW ITSELF".  
Sure enough, it "APPEARED".  I buckled up to go.  

P.S. I AM a bit of a "Professor", 'cuz of my tutoring-service.


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