Wednesday, February 20, 2013

AGAIN, I must quote.

"HOPE is a good thing ... maybe the BEST of things."(--'Shawshank Redemption')

... I "HOPE" I can walk again!  I have been making ENCOURAGING progress in my Physical Therapy!  That progress, coupled with my notable improvements in leg-strength in my training-workouts, "PUNCTUATES" my will, perseverance and determination.  
BUT, my ultimate-goal (walking--ALONE/UNASSISTED) has not YET been achieved.
("No rest for the weary.")

"People should DREAM.  Unless you dream, you can't be SUCCESSFUL."(--Fatih Terim, coach of the TOP Turkish soccer team, Galatasaray)

... I DREAM of walking.  
Ergo, according to Coach Terim, I CAN turn that DREAM into a REALITY!

(... I "DIG" his "philosophy"/"outlook on life".)

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