Sunday, February 17, 2013

HOW/WHY do I remember this?!


"Here come I, aTurkish knight.  I come from a Turkish land to fight.  I will fight this man with courage bold.  If his blood is hot, I'll make it cold."

(That's ROUGHLY the quote from Thomas Hardy's 'Return of the Native'.) 

ANSWER: The quote "rings true" for/to me, 'cuz I'm Turkish, ... AND I KNOW--thanks to my two black belts in Karate, one brown belt in jiu jitsu and four years of high school wrestling--I KNOW I can "handle myself" in a "physical confrontation/skirmish".

P.S. If ANY of "my readers" can do ANYTHING about the IOC's recent RIDICULOUS, LUDICROUS, UNJUST removal of "wrestling" as an "official Olympic sport", PLEASE do.


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