Monday, February 25, 2013


During my last Speech Therapy session, I ATE (I fed myself--WITHOUT ANY ASSISTANCE--via fork-to-mouth "food-transfers".) some grilled chicken and spaghetti-noodles.
The texture/consistency of the food was GREAT! But, UNFORTUNATELY, I was STILL UNABLE to TASTE ANYTHING. ( :( )
... WHILE I ate, I constructed words in my Scrabble game against my Speech Therapist. (I ended up winning.)

OH,YEAH! Also, I had to "twirl" the spaghetti-noodles around my fork to get bite-sized portions. So, it was REALLY like "Speech Therapy" PLUS "Occupational Therapy".
So, I guess it was more like TRIPLE-time!
(... "Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

(... CLARIFICATION: "Work" with my HANDS is more "OCCUPATIONAL Therapy". "Work" with my LEGS is more "PHYSICAL Therapy".)

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