Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So, I had a workout at MY HOUSE--NOT at "Neuro-Fit" (GREAT facility!)--earlier today, and I had a WONDERFUL ACCOMPLISHMENT!

I was sitting on my BIG, cushioned "table"/"bench", when my trainer told me to stand. So, after I spread my feet out ~shoulder-length distance apart, my trainer put his right foot sideways in front of MY LEFT foot to prevent my tendency to SHIFT/SLIDE my LEFT FOOT FORWARD. Then, I put my hands down onto the "table"/"bench". I leaned way forward, pushed off the cushion and STOOD UP--COMPLETELY UNASSISTED--for ~15 seconds.


(The ONLY "drawback":
I TRIED to REPEAT my GREAT "FEAT", but I couldn't do it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

GREAT day training at "NeuroFit"!


I did assorted leg muscle-strengthening exercises as I "lied down"--NOT "LAID down"--on a height-changeable, angle of declination/inclination-alterable, CUSHIONED bench.  (OBVIOUSLY, I DON'T KNOW the ACTUAL name of the machine.)

I moved my LEFT, INJURED leg--sometimes ALONE and sometimes with MINIMAL assistance--inward and outward.

Also, the owner/"main trainer" stretched my LEFT HAMSTRING and LEFT QUADRICEPS muscles.
(This stretching is REALLY helping me IMPROVE my LEFT LEG-movement!)

MORAL: "NeuroFit" ("name-drop") is REALLY assisting in my "recovery"/"rehabilitation".

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Once ... twice ... THREE times the LADY!"

... (Only, I possess a Y-chromosome!)
(... In other words, I'm a MALE.)

... The last THREE times I've worked-out at "Club NeuroFit" (GREAT facility! ("NAME-DROP"!), a trainer has told me, "That (walking) was BETTER than last time!"

So, this training-routine is DEFINITELY HELPING!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

... "New shit has come to light."

... (--'The Big Lebowski')

At my Karate-PRACTICE today, my Karate-"Professor" (That's his WELL-EARNED/RESPECTED "title".) RE-informed me (I had forgotten.) (Damn brain-injury!) that I have:

-- ONE 'shodan' in Okinawan 'Shuriryu' Karate (1st degree black belt)

-- ONE 'NIDAN' in Okinawan 'Shoreryu' Karate (2ND degree black belt)

-- ONE HIGH-RANKING brown belt in 'jiujitsu' ('ground fighting')

(I had TOTALLY, COMPLETELY forgotten about my promotion to SECOND degree.
Yeah, I'm rather AWESOME!)


(DUH! It's common knowledge.)

((ACTUALLY, "mathematics" is a TYPE/KIND of "science".)
(... The "science" of NUMBERS))

So, how could a PART be BETTER than the WHOLE?
Easy! See subject.

My explanation of the "subject":
Today, I DEFIED PHYSICS by challenging myself to IGNORE the HELPFUL properties of LEVERAGE and BUOYING when swinging my legs out of the car.
I--INSTEAD--used my knowledge of "trigonometry" ("the study of ANGLES") to know TO WHERE and HOW FAR I should--WITHOUT USING MY HANDS--push/pull my legs out the car-door.
I SUCCEEDED in this "experiment" TWICE today (YAY!): upon ARRIVING at my gym and my DEPARTING said facility.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


I have "gone #2" 11 times in the last 16 days,

(11/16 = 0.6875)

~69% of the recent days I've produced an Excretory EXTRAVAGANZA.
(... "Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

Maybe, there's something in the water.
(... Oh, wait! I DON'T IMBIBE any water! Water only ENTERS my body via my G-tube--meds.)

Or, my body just "processes" "foreign substances" QUICKLY.
(Judging by the last ~56.5 months, I'm HIGHLY DOUBTING this theory.)

OR, I'm JUST an anomaly.

(... Yeah, I'm "leaning toward" choice C.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What a GREAT day!

I tried some new exercises while training at "Neuro-Fit".  (... GREAT, FANTASTIC gym!) I--ALONE--propelled myself up/off a bench on which I was sitting, grabbed a machine-bar--with ONLY my LEFT/BAD/INJURED hand--and STOOD--UNASSISTED. While standing, I practiced my weight-shifting.
(I did this STANDING and WEIGHT-SHIFTING exercise exercise ~four-to-six different times.)

Also, I'm REALLY noticing the BENEFITS of my leg-stretching that concludes each of my training-sessions.

Finally, I ATE--via MOUTH--a good amount of grilled chicken and veggies during my Speech Therapy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"'The Force' is" NOT "strong with this one."

... (--one of the 'Star Wars' films)

After a recent training-session, I expressed my hesitancy to do a NEW exercise, because I was unfamiliar with it and unsure of the outcome. My trainer COMPLETELY spoke AGAINST my "Jedi"-training by stating, "Just trust us and TRY it."
... On the CONTRARY, "Master Yoda" said,
"DO or do NOT. There is no 'TRY'."
Ergo, my allegiance is "TORN":
Do I trust my REAL-LIFE, face-to-face trainer(s) OR a FICTIONAL, WISE, film-character?!

(... The jury is STILL out--in debate/discussion.)

Friday, April 12, 2013


RELAX!  It's a GOOD thing.

Anyway, NOW, instead of going to "NeuroFit" twice a week and seeing my trainer another day, I will go to "NeuroFit"--a GREAT gym SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to better aid those with "Traumatic Brain-Injuries" (me)--THREE times per week.

THIS decision was made, because it became EVIDENT that I was having MUCH BETTER, FLUID, NON-DRAGGING and PAINLESS movement with my LEFT, INJURED leg. My trainer and I concluded that THIS maneuverability/mobility-improvement is a result of my exercise-"work" at "NeuroFit".


Saturday, April 6, 2013

"Workout RESULTS"-analysis:

I'm DEFINITELY BENEFITTING/IMPROVING from my training sessions at "NeuroFit" (name-drop).

-- I've noticed better, smoother movement in both my left (INJURED) leg AND my left (INJURED) arm/shoulder.

-- I'm STILL disappointed with/in my LACK OF endurance/stamina. I've ALWAYS had a rather large ... "gas-tank", as a multi-year soccer player, "high school"/college wrestler and 20-year martial arts student/trainer. But, I still tire too quickly in/from some exercises.

-- My flexibility has GREATLY improved! When I FIRST STARTED my (three days a week) workouts, I could BARELY lift my LEFT leg 30 degrees. NOW, I can bend it ~60 degrees when lying on my back. ((Granted, PRE-accident, I could STRETCH my straightened left leg ~135 degrees. Still, that's

60/135 = 4/9 = 44.44%

of the "range of motion" of what I had PRE-accident.))

(Compare THAT to my POST-accident, PRE-workouts "range of motion":

30/135 = 2/9 = 22.22%)

So, I've DOUBLED my leg-maneuverability.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

... mathematical ADDITION:

I CAN'T have NEGATIVE "legs"!
As a bioengineer--WITH common sense, I concluded that it's physically IMPOSSIBLE for an individual (in this case, ME) to have NEGATIVE legs.

Ergo, the FURTHER-adjusted "limit" of "said problem" would be

" 0 < or = to X < or equal to 100 ".

THERE! THAT should take care of any misunderstandings.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


... The CORRECT "limit" would be

"x < or = 100" .

MATH in MY life:

... So, I got "evaluated"today by the supervisor of my "therapy"-agency.

... After said supervisor "tested" EACH leg with A BUNCH of exercises, my "rating-scores" (on a scale of 0 to 5--INCLUDING halves) ALL were

> or = to (greater than or equal to).

So, I'm MOSTLY improving! (In a few areas, I was ONLY at ~ the same strength as I displayed during my LAST "evaluation", ~two months ago.)


As the limit approaches "the percentage of leg-strength I possess" (100%), then the equation will approach my number of HEALTHY legs.

lim (x approaches 100) 2x/100

(SPOILER ALERT: The answer approaches ...


"'Tis better LATE than NEVER."

So, I've determined a nice "routine" for putting my footrests up/down with JUST MY FEET. YAY!
However, my Physical Trainer has exclaimed--and I concur--that my LEFT, INJURED leg has displayed NOTICEABLE IMPROVEMENT in strength and conditioning. YAY, YAY!

In lieu of these two "accomplishments", I've concluded that ONLY I would have/exhibit THIS kind of CRAPPY "timing": JUST as I'm displaying POSITIVE qualities in/with my legs, I develop convenient "tricks" for my wheelchair--a device I won't NEED if--"WHEN"--I can WALK.

... WOW! JEEZ!
That was QUITE the run-on sentence!

Monday, April 1, 2013


So, this morning I was lying--NOT "laying"--in bed, and my sock on my LEFT--INJURED--foot had slid down my foot.
Ergo, I needed to fix my sock. (My girlfriend's O.C.D. wore off on me.)
Rather than ring my bell for help, I took it upon myself to be more INDEPENDENT!
I raised and lifted up my LEFT, INJURED leg. SIMULTANEOUSLY, I reached ACROSS MY BODY and DOWN to my LEFT foot.
(Granted, I'm wearing anklet-socks. So, this was an even farther--NOT "further"--reach.
After a couple minutes of attempts--AND use of "trigonometry" ("study of angles")--I SUCCESSFULLY PULLED UP MY "ANKLET"-SOCK.

CONCLUSION: The "messages"/"signals" from my "Traumatically Injured"-brain are finally, FINALLY starting to "reach" my legs.
... It's a HELLUVA start. YAY!

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