Saturday, April 6, 2013

"Workout RESULTS"-analysis:

I'm DEFINITELY BENEFITTING/IMPROVING from my training sessions at "NeuroFit" (name-drop).

-- I've noticed better, smoother movement in both my left (INJURED) leg AND my left (INJURED) arm/shoulder.

-- I'm STILL disappointed with/in my LACK OF endurance/stamina. I've ALWAYS had a rather large ... "gas-tank", as a multi-year soccer player, "high school"/college wrestler and 20-year martial arts student/trainer. But, I still tire too quickly in/from some exercises.

-- My flexibility has GREATLY improved! When I FIRST STARTED my (three days a week) workouts, I could BARELY lift my LEFT leg 30 degrees. NOW, I can bend it ~60 degrees when lying on my back. ((Granted, PRE-accident, I could STRETCH my straightened left leg ~135 degrees. Still, that's

60/135 = 4/9 = 44.44%

of the "range of motion" of what I had PRE-accident.))

(Compare THAT to my POST-accident, PRE-workouts "range of motion":

30/135 = 2/9 = 22.22%)

So, I've DOUBLED my leg-maneuverability.


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