Monday, April 1, 2013


So, this morning I was lying--NOT "laying"--in bed, and my sock on my LEFT--INJURED--foot had slid down my foot.
Ergo, I needed to fix my sock. (My girlfriend's O.C.D. wore off on me.)
Rather than ring my bell for help, I took it upon myself to be more INDEPENDENT!
I raised and lifted up my LEFT, INJURED leg. SIMULTANEOUSLY, I reached ACROSS MY BODY and DOWN to my LEFT foot.
(Granted, I'm wearing anklet-socks. So, this was an even farther--NOT "further"--reach.
After a couple minutes of attempts--AND use of "trigonometry" ("study of angles")--I SUCCESSFULLY PULLED UP MY "ANKLET"-SOCK.

CONCLUSION: The "messages"/"signals" from my "Traumatically Injured"-brain are finally, FINALLY starting to "reach" my legs.
... It's a HELLUVA start. YAY!

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