Saturday, April 20, 2013


(DUH! It's common knowledge.)

((ACTUALLY, "mathematics" is a TYPE/KIND of "science".)
(... The "science" of NUMBERS))

So, how could a PART be BETTER than the WHOLE?
Easy! See subject.

My explanation of the "subject":
Today, I DEFIED PHYSICS by challenging myself to IGNORE the HELPFUL properties of LEVERAGE and BUOYING when swinging my legs out of the car.
I--INSTEAD--used my knowledge of "trigonometry" ("the study of ANGLES") to know TO WHERE and HOW FAR I should--WITHOUT USING MY HANDS--push/pull my legs out the car-door.
I SUCCEEDED in this "experiment" TWICE today (YAY!): upon ARRIVING at my gym and my DEPARTING said facility.


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