Monday, January 30, 2017



I'm VERY-much INVOLVED in my BOOK-writing ... EVERY-morning & -evening!
Sooo, THAT--coupled with my REHAB--occupies ... (Times seven days a week, carry the 1) ... ALL o' my time.

... But, I'm doin' WELL!

PS "It's HARD, ... when people doN'T UNDERSTAND you."
(--Ralph-->9-year old GENIUS, Scorpion)


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

(TUESDAY) I NEEDED a day to CALM-myself!

-- FIRST-off, YESTERDAY there were a couple o' FANTASTIC-milestones:

... 1) I could REALLY kinda-TASTE the condiments w/ my SALMON.
(... There were the THREE bites o' JUST-FISH, then SIX bites o' salmon & [SPICY] mustard, then SEVEN bites o' salmon & [SOUR] lemon-juice ... & FIVE bites o' salmon DIPPED in [SALTY] teriyaki-sauce

2) I SIDE-stepped ... for the FIRST-time in ~NINE YEARS ... very-SMOOTHLY ... a-LOT ... @ 'NeuroFit 360'!


... "TUESDAYs are 'ARMS & BACK'"
(--'Anchorman')  --> I had my UPPER body-workout
(... I'm UP-to ... ~63% LEFT-hand OPENING!)

... I WENT & CO-taught MY two NEW-techniques @ Martial Arts-class!
((... Well, I was SUPPOSED-to do that!  ... But, the COMBINATION-of a BIG-class (22 kids) & some GREAT jujitsu caused Professor to LOSE-track of TIME.  ... Sooo, I'll design ANOTHER-one for THURSDAY.)) 


Friday, January 20, 2017

(FRIDAY) What a KICKAS-day ... of THERAPY!

1) I rode a handicap-ADJUSTED bike completely-AROUND my GYM-facility (~HALF a mile).

... ONLY-'cuz I sought to IMPRESS my NEW, GOOD-looking (FEMALE) Trainer, I VOLUNTEERED for a SECOND-lap!

... I EVEN rode-through the Winn-Dixie ... to be an ASS ... on such a BEAUTIFUL-day!

... I practiced---LOT--my SIDE-stepping.
(... I NEEDED that!)

2) I SPOKE very-COGENTLY & CONSISTENTLY during my SPEECH-session.

... I ATE--by MOUTH--some SALMON ... with random-BITES dipped-in Grey Poupon.  
... I couldN'T really-TASTE the mustard.  But, I FELT the sensation ... of SPICINESS ... in my NOSE & THROAT.

... THEN, I--myself--squeezed a LEMON-wedge on SOME fish.  

... WOWZA, what a DIFFERENCE!  I DISTINCTLY-sensed the SPICY-ness of the MUSTARD  ... COMPARED-to the SOUR-ness of the LEMON!

... PLUS, I devised, designed & printed-out some MATH-equations to RECITE, which I DID:

The quantity of (4 plus 4) times 10 equals 80.
9 times 9 equals 81.
2 times 41 equals 82.
6 times 14 minus 1 equals 83.
7 times 12 equals 84.
5 times 17 equals 85.
4 times 21 point 5 equals 86.
3 times 29 equals 87.
8 times 11 equals 88.
7 squared plus the quantity 8 times 5 equals 89. 


Tuesday, January 17, 2017


... "Trial & SUCCESS":

... YESTERDAY, I had a DELIGHTFUL SPEECH-Therapy session!  I ATE--via MOUTH--a LIL' BIT of chicken ... & fish.  FIRST, I ate the ... SIX bites of CHICKEN, sailed-over to the FISH.  After I took FOUR bites o' the FISH, I STARTED-exprimenting:

1) I CLOSED my EYES, took a bite o' the fish, SLOWLY-chewed, LICKED my lips & GUESSED what fish I was EATING.  ... Since the CONSISTENCY was rather STEAK-like but SMOOTH, I called-upon my CHEF-expertise to DEDUCE-CORRECTLY ... that 'twas
(... YEEES!)

2) I took a lemon-WEDGE & BIT it--REPEATEDLY--like I did ... 18 years EARLIER ... with an ORANGE ... on the SOCCER-field. 
(... I could DEFINITELY-FEEL the SOUR!

-- My BOOK-Editor INFORMED me today (Tuesday) that she's having computer-PROBLEMS & will be UN-able to MAKE it to our MEETING tonight.
(... BUMMER!)
HOWEVER, THAT allows me time to make INDEPENDENT-revisions.
(... ALSO, I guess LAST NIGHT's computer-ERRORs were NOT JUST-me!)

(... What-IF ... there's a BUG?!)



... "Trial & SUCCESS"

-- (fish -- SALMON = "STEAK-like")

... 2 out of 3 lemon-wedges; I SQUEZED 'em (DEFINITE SOUR-feeling/-taste; BIT the LAST-wedge like 'twas n ORANGE; RE-kindled MEMORIES of orange-wedges for SOCCER)

-- BUT!  (Of-COURSE!)  My computer CRASHED last night.  So, THIS-post is UN-finished.


Friday, January 13, 2017


... (Now, to be politically-CORRECT--as in ... NOT-Trump, ... it's Thank GOODNESS It's Friday)

-- At my GYM, I displayed some GREAT leg-CONTROL, as I practiced ~60 reps--on EACH-leg--of lifts-OVER & slooow-LOWERINGS next-to a STATIONARY-cone.


... I ate--via MOUTH--18 bites of CHICKEN ... NEAR-flawlessly ... & QUICKLY.

... PLUS, I TRIED dipping some bites in KETCHUP ... OR MUSTARD.  

** I could-SENSE the condiments!  
Granted, I could ONLY SEMI-taste the SALTINESS of the ketchup & the SWEETNESS of the mustard.
But,    HOLY-SHIT!  What a FABULOUS fuckin' START!

... EVER the SCIENTIST, (My brother: "NERD!") I conducted an EXPERIMENT ... of five bites of chicken ... that I MAY or may-NOT have DIPPED-in a sauce ... with my eyes-SHUT. 
I EDUCATED-guessed: 


... What a KICKASS-beginning of 2017!

P.S. Studies have SHOWN that people who CURSE like fuckin' SAILORS TEND-to be 
(Bostonian accent:) "FUCKIN' SMAHTUH, ... like a HAHVUHD-kid!"


Thursday, January 12, 2017


I DECIDED-to SWITCH-from a LOOOOONG autobiographical-tale to a BETTER-understood 3-part book.
(... THANKS, NeuralPsychoTherapist!)

I DECIDED-to converse-with two parents of a NEW, YOUNG Karateka.  I told 'em my taleS, & they were LAUGHINGLY-RIVETED
(... I am a FANTASTIC advertise-ment/-r for the DOJO.)

I DECIDED-to watch a NEW 30-minute episode of Lip Sync Battle at 10 pm ... INSTEAD-of a NEW 60-minute episode of Pure Genius.
...PLUS, I have On-DEMAND, so I'll have a BUSY-weekend of watching ... INSTRUCTING-on ... Martial Arts, football-PLAYOFFS, Saturday Night Live & now SMART-people/Pure Genius.)

I DECIDED-to INVITE a Karateka & his mom to ACCOMPANY-me to a WRESTLING-match ... at my ex-high school next month.  
(... He's an IMMINENT-student & HOPEFUL-wrestler.)

(... 'Tis February 8th ... I THINK.)


Saturday, January 7, 2017


EARLY this afternoon I attended the ADULTS' Martial Arts class ... to watch Professor teach MY RECENTLY-designed Karate + Wrestling + Jujitsu technique.

The class of ~11 students REALLY-LIKED the technique ... which I DESIGNED-off MY patented WRESTLING-move ... which I deemed "the EGG-ROLL".

(... MANY VERBAL-Thank youS!)

... 'Twas ESPECIALLY-INSPIRING, 'cuz Professor's JUST-recovering from RECENT Double-HIP Surgery.
(... I'm in the MIDST-of REHABBING my NON SURGICALLY-repaired LEFT-hip.)

(... The KIDS are VERY-APPRECIATIVE too..  ... They're just--NATURALLY--NOT-as-vocal.)



Tuesday, January 3, 2017

(TUESDAY) 'Twas a "SOLID"-day of FUN & FEATS!

-- PRODUCTIVE Speech Therapy-session of TONGUE-movement, LIP-control & EATING-goals!

... JUST-to switch things around ... to make-SURE I'm PREPARED-for MANY DIFFERENT-foods, my SPEECH-Therpist & my NURSE concluded that I should CHANGE from EGGS to ... CHICKEN ... on Thursday.

-- I had a VERY-ENCOURAGING & PRODUCTIVE meeting with my (relatively) NEW BOOK-editor!

-- My Martial Arts Professor actually ASKED me (last week) to "come-IN next TUESDAY" (TODAY) to TEACH my NEW technique.
(... I am to CO-teach the ADULT-class on SATURDAY.)


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