Tuesday, January 24, 2017

(TUESDAY) I NEEDED a day to CALM-myself!

-- FIRST-off, YESTERDAY there were a couple o' FANTASTIC-milestones:

... 1) I could REALLY kinda-TASTE the condiments w/ my SALMON.
(... There were the THREE bites o' JUST-FISH, then SIX bites o' salmon & [SPICY] mustard, then SEVEN bites o' salmon & [SOUR] lemon-juice ... & FIVE bites o' salmon DIPPED in [SALTY] teriyaki-sauce

2) I SIDE-stepped ... for the FIRST-time in ~NINE YEARS ... very-SMOOTHLY ... a-LOT ... @ 'NeuroFit 360'!


... "TUESDAYs are 'ARMS & BACK'"
(--'Anchorman')  --> I had my UPPER body-workout
(... I'm UP-to ... ~63% LEFT-hand OPENING!)

... I WENT & CO-taught MY two NEW-techniques @ Martial Arts-class!
((... Well, I was SUPPOSED-to do that!  ... But, the COMBINATION-of a BIG-class (22 kids) & some GREAT jujitsu caused Professor to LOSE-track of TIME.  ... Sooo, I'll design ANOTHER-one for THURSDAY.)) 


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