Tuesday, January 17, 2017


... "Trial & SUCCESS":

... YESTERDAY, I had a DELIGHTFUL SPEECH-Therapy session!  I ATE--via MOUTH--a LIL' BIT of chicken ... & fish.  FIRST, I ate the ... SIX bites of CHICKEN, sailed-over to the FISH.  After I took FOUR bites o' the FISH, I STARTED-exprimenting:

1) I CLOSED my EYES, took a bite o' the fish, SLOWLY-chewed, LICKED my lips & GUESSED what fish I was EATING.  ... Since the CONSISTENCY was rather STEAK-like but SMOOTH, I called-upon my CHEF-expertise to DEDUCE-CORRECTLY ... that 'twas
(... YEEES!)

2) I took a lemon-WEDGE & BIT it--REPEATEDLY--like I did ... 18 years EARLIER ... with an ORANGE ... on the SOCCER-field. 
(... I could DEFINITELY-FEEL the SOUR!

-- My BOOK-Editor INFORMED me today (Tuesday) that she's having computer-PROBLEMS & will be UN-able to MAKE it to our MEETING tonight.
(... BUMMER!)
HOWEVER, THAT allows me time to make INDEPENDENT-revisions.
(... ALSO, I guess LAST NIGHT's computer-ERRORs were NOT JUST-me!)

(... What-IF ... there's a BUG?!)


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