Friday, January 20, 2017

(FRIDAY) What a KICKAS-day ... of THERAPY!

1) I rode a handicap-ADJUSTED bike completely-AROUND my GYM-facility (~HALF a mile).

... ONLY-'cuz I sought to IMPRESS my NEW, GOOD-looking (FEMALE) Trainer, I VOLUNTEERED for a SECOND-lap!

... I EVEN rode-through the Winn-Dixie ... to be an ASS ... on such a BEAUTIFUL-day!

... I practiced---LOT--my SIDE-stepping.
(... I NEEDED that!)

2) I SPOKE very-COGENTLY & CONSISTENTLY during my SPEECH-session.

... I ATE--by MOUTH--some SALMON ... with random-BITES dipped-in Grey Poupon.  
... I couldN'T really-TASTE the mustard.  But, I FELT the sensation ... of SPICINESS ... in my NOSE & THROAT.

... THEN, I--myself--squeezed a LEMON-wedge on SOME fish.  

... WOWZA, what a DIFFERENCE!  I DISTINCTLY-sensed the SPICY-ness of the MUSTARD  ... COMPARED-to the SOUR-ness of the LEMON!

... PLUS, I devised, designed & printed-out some MATH-equations to RECITE, which I DID:

The quantity of (4 plus 4) times 10 equals 80.
9 times 9 equals 81.
2 times 41 equals 82.
6 times 14 minus 1 equals 83.
7 times 12 equals 84.
5 times 17 equals 85.
4 times 21 point 5 equals 86.
3 times 29 equals 87.
8 times 11 equals 88.
7 squared plus the quantity 8 times 5 equals 89. 


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