Friday, September 8, 2023

(FRIDAY -- September 8, 2023) the good ol' SWITCH-a-roo


Instead of my typical [DAILY] schedule of

TUESDAY - workout,

WEDNESDAY - speech therapy,

THURSDAY - speech therapy &

FRIDAY - workout;

my trainer requested that he/I switch days with my mom's teaching--for JUST today.  Ergo, I allowed the day-swap & proceeded accordingly.  The day was pretty much same ol' story.  I only mention this second day to highlight exactly how much my [BIOLOGICAL-minded] systemS NEED to follow a routine:

Instead of my typical Friday's routine of VERY physical exertions of working out & biking, I sat up in my wheelchair out in my living room with my visiting mom & sister.  My [OTHER] brain had to have contacted my digestive system to just carry on with its usual POST-workout excretion of bodily WASTE.  And, this one was MAYBE my most SOLID in the last ... decade & a half PLUS.


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