Friday, September 1, 2023

(FRIDAY--September 1, 2023) Gotta ... BRUSH ... 'dat ... DIRT off yo' shoulder!


Well, I began my morning with a decent amount of book writing.  After WALKING around my house & brushing my teeth, I got a LIL' more physical:


-- LEFT handed finger stretches with a rubber band

-- 10 isomeric leg extensions with my trainer's resistance on the left leg

-- 20 hammer curls on left arm with 10 lb dumbbell
-- 30 regular bicep curls and 20 hammer curls on right arm with 15 lb dumbbell

-- 10 isomeric leg extensions with my trainer's resistance on the left leg

-- Walking on the parallel bars forward (2 laps), backwards (2 laps) and sideways (just 1 lap) 

-- HIP-ups: 150 total but 90 reps then sizable rest and then 60 reps
-- Tricep extension 2 sets each arm 
   ... 1 set of 20 reps & 1 set of 15 reps on the left side--both with 10 lbs 
   ... 2 sets of 15 reps on the right--both sets were with 15 lbs
(I alternated sets between arms.)

-- 30 ball hamstring curls with 2 legs but also single leg hamstring curls 20 reps with each leg

   ... 30 calf raises

-- ~15 minutes on BIKE

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