Friday, October 14, 2016


I continued-WRITING my SECOND-Volume, as ... my mom & I EDIT my Volume 1.

-- I deduce that my PRONUNCIATION & LIP-control are IMPROVING.  

... My SPEECH-Therapist CONCURRED.

... I AGAIN-watched 'Lucy'.
(... I LOVE that movie!)

... ATTENTION, 'F.I.N.R.':
(--Lucy, 'Lucy')
... EXCEPT-for ME, 'cuz I DISCOVERED that THAT "SHIT-hole" STOLE-from ME ... & COUNTLESS-others.

... NO, my affection-for the film is not-JUST 'cuz I think Scarlett Johansson is a "FOX"!
... I am also INTRIGUED-by INTELLIGENT-shows ... for the WISE.
(... I.e. 'Scorpion', 'The Big Bang Theory', 'Phenomenon', etc.)

-- I went-to the dentist ... MERELY as a Checkup/Cleaning. 

... The "Cleaning" drew semi-MIXED reviews:
-- The/MY Streak CONTINUES:--11,517.
(... It's been THAT # of days since ... BIRTH!  ... I've NEVER-had a CAVITY!)
-- Apparently, I MAY-HAVE ~3.5 "Wisdom-teeth".
(... I said "HALF", because my Hygienist said "[she] couldN'T SEE 'em, ... 'cuz they're EMBEDDED".)
... ~3.5 POSSIBLE "Wisdom teeth"/32 TOTAL teeth =


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