Wednesday, October 12, 2016


... For ME 'tis JUST a METAPHORICAL-term.  ... Ya see, I operate on a SEVEN-day WORK-week: THAT's ~18 hours a day, seven days a week & ~52.14 weeks a year ... for the last ~26.18% of my LIFE. 

... THAT's (~18 x 7 x ~52.14 =) ~6,570 hours ... times ~8.27 years = ~54,360 hours.

-- For SOME-reson, RERUNS of the FANTASTIC-show 'NUMB3RS' are NO-LONGER on television ... at-ALL. 
... I USED-to WATCH 'NUMB3RS' for at-LEAST two hours EACH WEEKDAY-morning.  ... So, I RE-watched this CLASSIC-film ... about a PSYCHIATRIC-ward & a dude who may-NOT BELONG in there.   (... Starring ... ME?!)
(''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'')

-- I KINDA-reee-laxxxed for MUCH of the day.  

(... The JEWISH-holiday "granted me" ONLY ... NO-commitments today.  ... So, I read MANY articles, watched television, REFLECTED & wrote.)

-- For the THIRD-time this WEEK, I SEMI-tasted (?!) ... my TOOTHPASTE!  ... NO, I wasN'T TRYING-to TASTE my "toothbrush-ENSEMBLE"!  ... It was merely a GROOVY-accident!  ... Sooo, ~25 minutes AFTER my SECOND tooth-brushing of the day, my TONGUE was TINGLING with a MINTY-flavor!  ... I, then, CHECKED my GUESS, ... &

-- I was watching 'Seinfeld', & it REMINDED me of some COLLEGE-tales. 
((... I.e.  I'm VERY WILLING-to (JOKINGLY) file CRIMINAL-charges against my COLLEGE-girlfriendS for

"Sexual-PERJURY"--"FAKING orgasms".

(... Ya know, I "FAKED it" once. ... 'Twas the 2004 World CURLING Championship ... in LATE-April, ... & I didN'T WANNA MISS it!))


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