Sunday, July 30, 2017

(SUNDAY) AM I ... TWO people?!

-- During my ... 11,801 days ... ALIVE ... & counting ... on Earth, I have NEVER-been so, so, SSSOOOOO EMBARRASSED to be American as I am with the CURRENT ... "C in C" ("Commander in Chief") ("Charger in Calamity").

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) Said-DOOFUS always makes me feel "FINE --> Freaked-out, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional"(--'The Italian Job')

... THANKFULLY, I have DUAL-citizenship!  ... Sooo, if anyone asks, ... I'm TURKISH.

-- THAT's aaabbbout RIGHT:
... Upon researching the term, I'd DEFINITELY-classify MY Traumatic Brain Injury as ... psychosomatic.

... Ya see, MY T.B.I. 
IS "a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors".

-- I watched--& thoroughly-ENJOYED--the movie, 'Powder', with my mom & my housemate this afternoon.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

(THURSDAY) "Learning" ... NEVER stops!

-- "You know... I always thought that dogs, uh, laid EGGS. And today, I LEARNED something."
(--Peter Griffin, 'Family Guy')

... I went to get my vision CHECKED & my prescription UPDATED.  I learned the DIFFERENCE between an optometrist--whom I SAW--& an ophthalmologist.  

... Optometry involves vision-EXAMS & disorder-PREVENTION.
... Ophthalmology involves TREATMENT & SURGERIES.

... BEST-of ALL, MY Optometrist--whoM I hadn't seen in YEARS--said my vision has actually ... IMPROVED!  
(... I'll get the EXACT-#s in ~7 to 10 days.)
... I THOUGHT 'twas 'cuz I'm an ANOMALY.  But, the Doc kinda JOKINGLY-said it's "JUST-'cuz [I'm] getting OLDER, & [my] body's CHANGING".
... So, I IMMEDIATELY-retorted by saying, "So, I'm goin' through Ocular-PUBERTY?"
(... We LAUGHED.)


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

(TUESDAY) "IF you WILL it, 'Dude', ... it IS ... no-DREAM."

(--Walter Sobchak, quoting Theodore Herzl's 'State of Israel', 'The Big Lebowski')

... "What MAKES a MAN?  ... IS it a WILLINGNESS to do WHATEVER it TAKES, ... NO-matter the cost?"
(--Jeffrey Lebowski, 'The Big Lebowski')


... First, I stretched my LEFT-shoulder ... a-LOT.  Then, I did 66 pushups withOUT ANY-pain, withOUT ANY-breaks ... & WITH only MINIMAL-fatigue.  I caN'T REMEMBER doing that-MANY [consecutive] pushups PRE-accident!

... Then, I biked for ~21 minutes ... on slightly-LESS air-filled tires, ... so I HAD-to pedal HARDER.

... I FELT the [GOOD] BURN!  

... 'Twas a SAD ... but PRODUCTIVE FINAL-meeting with my FIRST NeuralPsychoTherapist
I performed ALL communications via my MOUTH!
I sincerely-APPRECIATE ALL the [psychological-] PROGRESS I've DEFINITELY made since I BEGAN with her.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

(SATURDAY) ALL-encompassing project:

"The RIGHT-girl will bring-OUT the HERO in YOU."


Friday, July 21, 2017

(FRIDAY) AMBI-valence

-- As I arose from my SLUMBER--literally AND metaphorically--at 4:18 am ... EST, I couldN'T HELP but INTERNALLY-sing the Pepcid AC theme song as I trudged to the bathroom to RELIEVE my BLADDER:

"Nausea, heart-burn, IN-dihgestion, ... upset-stomach, dia-RRHEA.
Yeah, Pepto-BISMOL!"

... Ya know what's NOT-included ... on THAT LIST of CURED-symptoms?

Traumatic Brain-Injury!

... I guess I'll just-HAFTA CONTINUE-to fight it AWAY with sheer DETERMINATION & WILL-power.



Wednesday, July 19, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) GOTTA "see" the GOOD ... in the BAD!

-- I AWOKE in the WEE-hours (at ~2:45 am) to my stomach's RUMBLING.  EXHAUSTED, I buzzed to go DEFECATE my bodily-WASTE.  

... DELIGHTED, I was ABLE-to fall BACK-asleep.  (YAY!)

... I awoke AGAIN (at ~4:15 am) for a SECOND EXCRETORY-deposit.

... Granted, I began my day ... THOROUGHLY-enervated, but with a day FILLED with interesting-television, muscle-building crunches & a FUN MOVIE-trip ('The Big Sick') with my BROZEPH, I was RE-energized!

... The film DEFINITELY/PAINFULLY struck HOME ... in my HEART during the partS illustrating the HARDSHIPS of a COMA!
(  : (  )

... What a KICK-ASS movie theater 'Paragon Ridge 8' is!
1) It's ONLY an ~SEVEN minute drive from MY house!
2) The viewing-seats inside ... RECLINE by adjustment!  (GREAT for guests!)
3) Customers are ALLOWED-to purchase BEER &/or WINE to ENJOY during the film!

... I'm DEFINITELY-adding that to my DATE-locations.
(... MOVIE & ... DINNER)


Thursday, July 13, 2017

(THURSDAY 2) HOW can one EQUATE ... MATH with ... LITERATURE?!


e^i*pi + 1 = 0

"Like a Shakespearean-sonnet that captures the very essence of love, or a painting that brings out the beauty of the human form that is far more than just skin deep, Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence."
-- Stanford mathematician Keith Devlin, 'A Beautiful Equation', 2002

... First, the letter "e" represents an irrational number that begins 2.71828... It governs the rate of exponential growth.   
Next, "i" represents the so-called "imaginary number": the square root of negative 1. 
Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, is one of the best-loved and most interesting numbers in math. 
Putting it all together, the constant "e" raised to the power of the imaginary "i" multiplied by pi equals -1. And, as seen in Euler's equation, adding 1 to that gives 0. It seems almost unbelievable that all these strange numbers — and even one that isn't real — would combine so simply. But it's a PROVEN-FACT.

... When my EX-girlfriend EXPLAINED this REASONING to me, I sprouted a MASSIVE ERECTION.

(... How's THAT for the "essence of LOVE"?!)


(THURSDAY) UN-fortunate REALization:

-- I make SOME--but NOT-ALL--TERRIBLE remarks, judgments & decisions.  IF my psyche is heavily-influenced by my amygdala (like BEAUTY, SEXUALITY &/or BRAVERY), THEN my EMOTIONS WILL-TIP the scales toward [eventual] EMBARRASSMENT & REGRET.

... If I were to NAME my CURRENT-battle AGAINST my T.B.I., I'd call it 

"Project MAYHEM".

Seeing-as I--essentially--have 'DOS personalidades', I'm A.J. Kaynatma.  
"HIS name ... is Robert Paulsen."

P.S. I JUST RE-watched 'Fight Club'.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) I LIKE "homework", 'cuz ... I'm a NEEERD!

My NeuralPsychoTherapist told me to get-OUT more ... ESPECIALLY-with my BROTHER's visiting.

... Sooo, we went to the NEARBY-theater to watch 'The House'.
(... "[The experience was] GLORIOUS!"
--'Old School'--which I JUST-watched.  ... NOW, I'm watching 'Rain Man'.)



Tuesday, July 11, 2017

(TUESDAY) "DAMNIT! Why didN'T I just CONCUR?!"

... --'Catch Me if You Can'

-- As psychologically-UNstable as I AM, 'tis a FANTASTIC-feeling when a peer states his/her AGREEMENT with something I say!

... USUALLY, my NeuroPsychoTherapist IMPLIES that.

Monday, July 10, 2017

(MONDAY) [Ambivalent] PROGRESS

-- In HONOR of the Wimbledon Championships: 
"It's JUST-another Manic-Monday."

-- On ONE-hand, I seem-to be WAKING-up SUPER-EARLY in the night/morning, ... 'cuz I'm HAVING-to urinate.
(... FOUR times in the last ... FORTNIGHT) 
(USUALLY ~4:30 am EST, but today ~2:15 am EST)
(  : (  )

... On the OTHER, I AM IMPROVING my CLEAR-headedness, 'cuz my Minesweeper-EXPERT times are DEFINITELY-IMPROVING!

... Not-only THAT!  But, I was ABLE-to RELAX-enough to fall BACK asleep ... for a couple hours.  

-- I WAS ANNOYED that my SPEECH-Therapist KEPT-telling me to move my tongue certain ways AS I spoke, ... when I was ALREADY-doin' that!

... BUT, after exhaling-DEEPLY & VERBALLY-explaining my FRUSTRATION, she APOLOGIZED & SYMPATHIZED.


-- At NeuroFit 360, I WAS HESITANT to WORK-with a Trainer-TRAINEE.  

... But, after giving her a CHANCE, I DEMONSTRATED PHENOMENAL-progress ... with FIVE-sets of 15-second Leg-LIFTS ... & 40 BIKE-reps.

-- Yes, I AM the President, Manager, Chief Operations Officer & Chief Economics Officer of a VERY SUCCESSFUL Healthcare Service.  ... But, I've GOTTA-show my APPRECIATION to my mom--the Founder.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

(THURSDAY 2) ... APPLIED-Mathematics:

I've been LISTENING-to this ... GREAT-find by ... the CREATOR:

(... Copy & Paste.)

(... "It's like ... seeing-through 'The MATRIX'.)



Joey "Jaws" Chestnut ate 72 hot dogs in 10 minutes at the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

72 hot dogs in 10 minutes  -->  7.2 dogs/minute  -->  1 dog per ~8.33 seconds

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) It's taken me a LOOOOOOONG-while to realize & ACCEPT this.

... I AM a freakin' WEIRDO, ... in the BEST-way POSSIBLE.

... I think THAT adverb--freakin'--is APPROPRIATE, 'cuz I've been MEDICALLY-deemed as 
should-NOT be ALIVE.

-- It's EXHAUSTING TRYIN'-to always-REMAIN humble.

... I think my mom hit it BEST, when she characterized me as an 

... I KNOW I have my [INFINITESIMAL] vices, faults, quirks & idiosyncrasies.  ... But, I get shit done ... WELL!

-- EARLY this MORNING ... at ~4:42 am ... EST, I awoke to my bladder's TINGLING.  Sooooo, AS I trudged OUT-of my bed, OUT-of my bedroom, into my bathroom & UP-to my toilet ... to RELIEVE my bladder, it HIT me that ALL-obstacles considering (Traumatic Brain-Injury, ENTIRE weakER LEFT-side, THOROUGHLY-incapacitated LEG-nerves, BOTCHED RIGHT-forearm-surgery, METAL LEFT-knee, METAL LEFT-hip, weakENED PSYCHOLOGIC-judgment, etc.), it IS ... pretty [Expletive DELETED.]in' AMAZING, that I'm ALIVE ... AND functioning!


Tuesday, July 4, 2017


-- My BRO-ZEPH was MUDDLING some MINT for a party-DRINK.  I asked him to hold the bowl UNDER my NOSE, & WAFT it.

... I DETECTED the SEN-sation of the AROMA ... of MINT.
(... There was TINGLING.)


(TUESDAY 1) "What's the symbology on THAT?"

"I believe the word you're ... LOOKING-for ... is 'SSSYMBOLISM', ... 'What is the SSSYMBOLISM'."
(--Agent Smacker, 'The Boondock Saints')

... I got an EARLY-start on MY INDEPENDENCE-Day festivities with a LATE-night/EARLY-morning (~3:38 am EST) JAUNT to my toilet to ... RELIEVE some URINARY-tension.  ... SURPRISINGLY, I fell BACK to SLEEP ... within the hour.
... NOICE!

... At 5:41 am EST, I RE-awoke ... from my stomach's RUMBLIN'.  RATHER-than WAITING 'til AFTER my FIRST-breakfast at ~7:30, I CHOSE-to FIGHT exhaustion, & SUMMON some Gastro-Intestinal POWUH.

... (WARNING) SURE-enough, ... WELL-DONE, A.J.'s Ass!




Monday, July 3, 2017


-- My NeuroFit 360-trainer COMPLIMENTED me on how STABLE & STATIONARY my UPPER body is/was during my REPEATED rope-pullDOWNS.   

... I did ALOTTA WALKING ... with JUST a CANE ... LONG-distanceS.


(MONDAY) "GOOD-things come to those who WAIT."

-- This MORNING I took my USUAL ~60-foot TREK to my bathroom-sink ... 'para lavarme los dientes'.
It's ... ABOUT ... time!  ... It only-TOOK


three THOUSAND, two HUNDRED, eighty-FOUR days of LIFE--TECHNICALLY--to OVERCOME my pigeon-toed tendencies.


I immediately-followed my bathroom-WALK with ANOTHER WALK ... of ... ~100 feet ... again, NON-pigeon-toed ... to my MOTORIZED-wheelchair for my FIRST-session with my NEW SPEECH-Therapist.


She said "[I] KEEP impressing [her]!"

... BUT, she & I AGREED that we'll SAY--on-PAPER--I STRUGGLED ... to leave MORE-room for IMPROVEMENT.  


Sunday, July 2, 2017


-- If my SMALL-set of questions ... leaves YOU--the reader--"quizzical",

then, by a degree of INTENSITY, would a largeR group of 'preguntas' NOT-leave you ...





-- Considering ALL the SPORTS-teams I like are SUCKING, my WRITING is a VERY-HEALTHY distraction!


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