Monday, July 10, 2017

(MONDAY) [Ambivalent] PROGRESS

-- In HONOR of the Wimbledon Championships: 
"It's JUST-another Manic-Monday."

-- On ONE-hand, I seem-to be WAKING-up SUPER-EARLY in the night/morning, ... 'cuz I'm HAVING-to urinate.
(... FOUR times in the last ... FORTNIGHT) 
(USUALLY ~4:30 am EST, but today ~2:15 am EST)
(  : (  )

... On the OTHER, I AM IMPROVING my CLEAR-headedness, 'cuz my Minesweeper-EXPERT times are DEFINITELY-IMPROVING!

... Not-only THAT!  But, I was ABLE-to RELAX-enough to fall BACK asleep ... for a couple hours.  

-- I WAS ANNOYED that my SPEECH-Therapist KEPT-telling me to move my tongue certain ways AS I spoke, ... when I was ALREADY-doin' that!

... BUT, after exhaling-DEEPLY & VERBALLY-explaining my FRUSTRATION, she APOLOGIZED & SYMPATHIZED.


-- At NeuroFit 360, I WAS HESITANT to WORK-with a Trainer-TRAINEE.  

... But, after giving her a CHANCE, I DEMONSTRATED PHENOMENAL-progress ... with FIVE-sets of 15-second Leg-LIFTS ... & 40 BIKE-reps.

-- Yes, I AM the President, Manager, Chief Operations Officer & Chief Economics Officer of a VERY SUCCESSFUL Healthcare Service.  ... But, I've GOTTA-show my APPRECIATION to my mom--the Founder.


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