Wednesday, July 5, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) It's taken me a LOOOOOOONG-while to realize & ACCEPT this.

... I AM a freakin' WEIRDO, ... in the BEST-way POSSIBLE.

... I think THAT adverb--freakin'--is APPROPRIATE, 'cuz I've been MEDICALLY-deemed as 
should-NOT be ALIVE.

-- It's EXHAUSTING TRYIN'-to always-REMAIN humble.

... I think my mom hit it BEST, when she characterized me as an 

... I KNOW I have my [INFINITESIMAL] vices, faults, quirks & idiosyncrasies.  ... But, I get shit done ... WELL!

-- EARLY this MORNING ... at ~4:42 am ... EST, I awoke to my bladder's TINGLING.  Sooooo, AS I trudged OUT-of my bed, OUT-of my bedroom, into my bathroom & UP-to my toilet ... to RELIEVE my bladder, it HIT me that ALL-obstacles considering (Traumatic Brain-Injury, ENTIRE weakER LEFT-side, THOROUGHLY-incapacitated LEG-nerves, BOTCHED RIGHT-forearm-surgery, METAL LEFT-knee, METAL LEFT-hip, weakENED PSYCHOLOGIC-judgment, etc.), it IS ... pretty [Expletive DELETED.]in' AMAZING, that I'm ALIVE ... AND functioning!


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