Tuesday, July 4, 2017

(TUESDAY 1) "What's the symbology on THAT?"

"I believe the word you're ... LOOKING-for ... is 'SSSYMBOLISM', ... 'What is the SSSYMBOLISM'."
(--Agent Smacker, 'The Boondock Saints')

... I got an EARLY-start on MY INDEPENDENCE-Day festivities with a LATE-night/EARLY-morning (~3:38 am EST) JAUNT to my toilet to ... RELIEVE some URINARY-tension.  ... SURPRISINGLY, I fell BACK to SLEEP ... within the hour.
... NOICE!

... At 5:41 am EST, I RE-awoke ... from my stomach's RUMBLIN'.  RATHER-than WAITING 'til AFTER my FIRST-breakfast at ~7:30, I CHOSE-to FIGHT exhaustion, & SUMMON some Gastro-Intestinal POWUH.

... (WARNING) SURE-enough, ... WELL-DONE, A.J.'s Ass!




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