Wednesday, July 19, 2017

(WEDNESDAY) GOTTA "see" the GOOD ... in the BAD!

-- I AWOKE in the WEE-hours (at ~2:45 am) to my stomach's RUMBLING.  EXHAUSTED, I buzzed to go DEFECATE my bodily-WASTE.  

... DELIGHTED, I was ABLE-to fall BACK-asleep.  (YAY!)

... I awoke AGAIN (at ~4:15 am) for a SECOND EXCRETORY-deposit.

... Granted, I began my day ... THOROUGHLY-enervated, but with a day FILLED with interesting-television, muscle-building crunches & a FUN MOVIE-trip ('The Big Sick') with my BROZEPH, I was RE-energized!

... The film DEFINITELY/PAINFULLY struck HOME ... in my HEART during the partS illustrating the HARDSHIPS of a COMA!
(  : (  )

... What a KICK-ASS movie theater 'Paragon Ridge 8' is!
1) It's ONLY an ~SEVEN minute drive from MY house!
2) The viewing-seats inside ... RECLINE by adjustment!  (GREAT for guests!)
3) Customers are ALLOWED-to purchase BEER &/or WINE to ENJOY during the film!

... I'm DEFINITELY-adding that to my DATE-locations.
(... MOVIE & ... DINNER)


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