Saturday, August 31, 2013

... Memory REKINDLED!

... While I was prepping at one of my dojos for my jujitsu-lesson, I recalled
"the H's of Wrestling-DEFENSE":
(There's even a little dance.)

(Shake OWN hands from side-to-side.)
(Shake OWN head from side-to-side.)
(Shake/Rotate hips.)"

That ... was ... HUGE!

"That's what she said."
(--Michael Scott, 'The Office')

Sophomoric joking aside, I "took a MAJOR step" (metaphorically) in my recovery yesterday!
I went to one of my 'dojos' ('training centers for martial arts') to prepare--with my 'Sempais' (Japanese for 'assistant teachers')--my next TEACHING-lesson.
Since I "dropped the ball" regarding SCHEDULING, I ONLY had time to try some moves for DEMONSTRATING the 'jujitsu' ('GROUND-fighting') techniques.


... I actually HELD MYSELF UP--MAINTAINING BALANCE--in a "referee's position" (on HANDS and KNEES) for a good minute or two.
(I had NO PAIN, just fatigue!)

... YAY!



The best number is 73. 


73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror (37) is the 12th and ITS mirror (21) is the product of multiplying 7 and 3. ...
 In binary, 73 is a "palindrome" --1001001, which backwards is 1001001.
Radio-operators often use "73" as an abbreviation for "Best regards".
Since I ADORE sports: 
The 1940 Bears ("DA Bears!"--'S.N.L.') scored 73 points to win the 1940 NFL Championship game.  That's STILL the highest score EVER in an NFL game.

(IF y'all did NOT realize THIS, then I just pity you.)

(Ah, I do enjoy the humor of sarcasm ... 
NOT condescension.)

Friday, August 30, 2013


So, I recently had a LONG, CONTINUOUS debate with my best friend about which is GREATER/"STRONGER":


... My SPEECH-therapist--biased as she may be--believes I--in support of MATH--won the argument.
She claimed that the WINNING point/argument was that 

"MATH is a UNIVERSAL language."--me

(... NUMBERS are the SAME in EVERY country.)

... You're ALL witnesses to ONE of my "problems".

... PLEASE disregard my titling my last blog-post of "BLOG".

I label my "posts" as thus, when I START a "blog-post", then SAVE it as a "Draft".

(TRANSLATION: My memory tends to be a bit SUB-par.
Ergo, I'll split up my "work", rather than depend on my QUESTIONABLE, UNRELIABLE memory.)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

BLOG - " There are GOOD days, and there are BAD ones. "

... Today--August 28, 2013 (... I'm a "NUMERICAL-thinker".  Ergo, it's 8/28/13), is/was a GREAT day!

At my gym ("NeuroFit 360") today, I "walked" for seven minutes and 48 seconds on "phase/level/speed" 25!
(... Ergo, my endurance is IMPROVING!)

THEN, I actually STOOD UP--ON MY OWN--WITHOUT "HOLDING ONTO"/"LEANING ON" anything for assistance!
((Granted, my SOLO-standing was ONLY TWO reps of ~10-15 seconds each.  But, they're "BABY-STEPS"(--'What About Bob?').) --metaphorically.))

In my Speech-Therapy, I ate--via MOUTH--one scrambled egg and cheese AND three THICK-sliced oven-roasted turkey--NOT the country--breast.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

... SPECTACULAR facility!

... What GOOD are my "name-drops", if I OMIT HALF the name?!

My gym is "NeuroFit 360" in Pembroke in Pembroke Pines, FL.

(Check it out:

Saturday, August 24, 2013



My WEEKLY recap:

My Speech-Therapist gave me some VERY BENEFICIAL advice for COGENT/UNDERSTANDABLE talking:
1) Exhale SLOWLY.  (THIS PROCESS helps me RELAX.)
2) Separate the words into STRESSED syllables.
3) Enunciate. 

-- I'm demonstrating my STEADY, GRADUAL improvement in my walking/stepping-pace on the "I-care" at "Neuro-Fit" (my gym).  Every ~wo weeks, my "output"-level/speed has gone:
10 -> 12 -> 13 -> 15 -> 18

OCCASIONALLY, I've found my starting-rate TOO EASY.  I've requested that my set-pace be INCREASED.
YESTERDAY, I reached a new HIGH-pace: 30 units/"allotted time".


WOW! "PROPS to 'Neurofit' (my gym)!"

The staff there EMPHASIZE to me the IMPORTANCE of "breaking-down" the standing-process into "steps".

For example:

1) Be calm.  BREATHE.
2) Look around to make sure I have SUFFICIENT room.
3) "NOSE over TOES"  
(Lean forward and bend down, before I use my LEGS to push myself to a standing-position.  (... "It's ALL physics."--ongoing joke with my trainer) (... = ANGULAR MOMENTUM)

... Now, EVERY TIME I have to GET INTO or GET OUT OF my wheelchair, I INSIST on doing the MAJORITY of the work MYSELF--using the above HELPFUL tips!

Friday, August 23, 2013

He is "wise BEYOND his years".

... So, I got frustrated--MOMENTARILY, 'cuz my left hand kept slipping/"losing its grip" from/on the "handle" on the "I-care" stepping/walking-machine at "Neuro-Fit" (my PHENOMENAL gym).

Seeing my uneasiness, the owner remarked: "It's okay.  Just BREATHE, calm down and focus.  Rome was NOT built in a day."


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GREAT week last week!

1) I ATE--via MOUTH--THREE times with NO PROBLEMS!

2) I got down on the mat--on the floor--ON MY BACK--and DEMONSTRATED the three 'jujitsu' ('ground-fighting') techniques I TAUGHT to my/A martial arts class.

3) My training at "NeuroFit"--my gym--is REALLY showing some POSITIVE results/affects!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

... FURTHER evidence/proof that I am--IN FACT--an ANOMALY:

... Due to various medical-operations/procedures--MAINLY with my LEFT knee and LEFT hip, I actually

DON'T "put my pants on ONE leg at a time, just like everybody else".

(... Ergo, the BROAD, generalized term, "everybody" does NOT include me.
... I must consult Master Yoda to CLARIFY.)  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

... "It's ALL angles", Part II

... Quantifiable PROOF/EVIDENCE of my IMPROVED "range-of-motion":

(This is "trigonometry".)
(FYI: I ACED the class "Algebra 2/Trig HONORS" as a sophomore in high school.
THEN, "Survey SAYS" I was TOO ADVANCED for "PRE-Cal."
So, I just skipped DIRECTLY into my FIRST year--of two distinct/different classes/courses--of Calculus.

Lying flat on my back in bed, with my arms at my sides--THAT will be my "resting/starting position".  Or. THAT is my "0 degree position".




Being the LOMG-TIME "folkstyle"--NOT "freestyle"--wrestler that I am (ALL eight years of high school and college), I was curious as to what my weight was/is.
(... OR, you could just INFER that I'm KINDA feminine in that I link my self-worth to my "numerical output on a scale".)

REGARDLESS!  Interpret this as you see "fit":
(Pun intended.)

LAST TIME I checked my weight (I have NO IDEA WHEN!  I'll just estimate at ~four months ago.):

153.8 pounds = ~69.45 kilograms 

CURRENTLY, I "tipped the scale" at 

147.0 pounds = ~66.80 kilograms

(... So, YES, I'm losing weight.  BUT, muscle weighs 2.2 times MORE than fat.)
(... MY analysis:
My FOUR times per week workouts are helping me convert SOME of my FAT into MUSCLE-fiber.  "SHOUT-OUT" to "NeuroFit"!)


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"It's ALL angles."

... (It's an inside-joke between my MAIN-trainer and me about how I--LOGICALLY--use my knowledge of trigonometry and physics to AID me in my workouts.) 

MORE later ...

... "MIND over MATTER."

... In lieu of yesterday's workout-cancellation, I kept--INTERNALLY--telling myself:
"Work TWICE as HARD today."

Apparently--STRANGELY, my muscles ACTUALLY "listened" to me (my brain).

... Over the last FIVE PLUS years, my "brain-muscle coordination" just doesN'T happen.

My ARM-trainer said that my strength, control, core AND range-of-motion have "DEFINITELY IMPROVED".

P.S. My nurse told me to "take it easy" to NOT "aggravate" my ALREADY "upset" stomach.
But, THANKFULLY, I know my limits.


... What's Step 2?!

So, my best friend's step-dad SOMEWHAT recently stopped by my house for a short visit.  Naturally, I was playing the computer-game, "Minesweeper".  He--VERY ASTUTELY--remarked: "This game can be ADDICTIVE!"
... Yes, I admit.  "Field-PUZZLES" are my (METAPHORICAL) "DRUG".

(If "the first step" in recovery "is admitting you have a problem", then see subject.)

P.S. While typing my parenthetical remark, I JUST typed "iD" instead of "iF".  CLASSIC "Freudian-slip"!  (id, ego, superego)

... Or, was it SIMPLY/JUST a typo?)

... But, WHERE are my (adamantium) claws?

So, recently my nurse commented:
"WOW!  The tube-site looks GREAT!  That's some QUICK healing!"

Also, my mom has commented on my "RIDICULOUS, SUPERSONIC hearing".

Finally, for the past several weeks, I've been becoming MORE INDEPENDENT.  
I've--by myself--been applying my Axe deodorant--under BOTH arms!

Ergo, I'm a member of the "AXE Men".

(... For those of you who couldn't "put two and two together", I'm describing "Wolverine"--a member of the "X men".)

Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm hanging my head in SHAME.

( :( )

This afternoon I did NOT attend my workout at "NeuroFit", simply because I suffered from a SEVERE stomachache.

(That's the FIRST--hopefully, ONLY--time I've cancelled a training-"appointment".

(I'll just HAVE TO go TWICE as HARD tomorrow.)  

GREAT week last week!

1) I ATE--via MOUTH--THREE times with NO PROBLEMS!

2) I got down on the mat--on the floor--ON MY BACK--and DEMONSTRATED the three 'jujitsu' ('ground-fighting') techniques I TAUGHT to my/A martial arts class.

3) My training at "NeuroFit"--my gym--is REALLY showing some POSITIVE results/affects!

(I'll go into GREATER detail later.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


... So, EARLY this morning I went into the HOSPITAL to get my "G-tube" ("gastronomic-tube") (small plastic tube protruding from my stomach; used to "FEED" ME various nutriments and medications) REPLACED.  (A "G-tube" is  TYPICALLY "good" for ONLY ~ six months.  However, my LAST "G-tube" lasted ~ONE YEAR.)

Doctor's orders:
I just have to "take it easy for the next few days".
(NO swift, violent movements of my "trunk" for THREE days.)
((... THIS "throws a wrench" into my plans, 'cuz I was PLANNING ON demonstrating some jiujitsu (GROUND-fighting) techniques in my Karate-class teaching this Thursday evening (the THIRD day).))


Thursday, August 1, 2013

(SIGH) Isn't it OBVIOUS?!

The English LANGUAGE "bears" SO MANY contradictions!
... "I feel like I'm taking CRAZY-pills!"
--Mugatu, 'Zoolander'

So, I was prepping for my MATH-tutoring service, when I noted:

IF "two WRONGS don't make a RIGHT", HOW CAN "a double-NEGATIVE equal a POSITIVE?!

It seems as though only MATHEMATICS can UNSCRAMBLE this "MESS"!

"wrong" = NEGATIVE #
"right" = POSITIVE #


In multiplication AND division, 
a NEGATIVE # ("WRONG") multiplied/divided by another NEGATIVE # ("WRONG") = a POSITIVE # ("RIGHT")

Math is a UNIVERSAL language.  Although the SPOKEN translation may differ, there's ONLY ONE WAY to interpret NUMBERS--which are written THE SAME WAY IN EVERY LANGUAGE (EVEN "pig-Latin")!


MATH/NUMBERS > speech.

... ALAS, I suffer from a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", so WHAT DO I KNOW?! 

Answer: A LOT!

"Tooting my own horn" aside, take ALL I say/post "with a grain of salt".
These are PURELY/ONLY my observations of/on LIFE.
(I am, admittedly, BIASED.)

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