Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Being the LOMG-TIME "folkstyle"--NOT "freestyle"--wrestler that I am (ALL eight years of high school and college), I was curious as to what my weight was/is.
(... OR, you could just INFER that I'm KINDA feminine in that I link my self-worth to my "numerical output on a scale".)

REGARDLESS!  Interpret this as you see "fit":
(Pun intended.)

LAST TIME I checked my weight (I have NO IDEA WHEN!  I'll just estimate at ~four months ago.):

153.8 pounds = ~69.45 kilograms 

CURRENTLY, I "tipped the scale" at 

147.0 pounds = ~66.80 kilograms

(... So, YES, I'm losing weight.  BUT, muscle weighs 2.2 times MORE than fat.)
(... MY analysis:
My FOUR times per week workouts are helping me convert SOME of my FAT into MUSCLE-fiber.  "SHOUT-OUT" to "NeuroFit"!)


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