Monday, January 13, 2014

"It looks like the STUDENT has become the TEACHER."

… --one of the (LATER) 'Karate Kid' movies

… I JUST beat my Speech-therapist in Scrabble.
(RELAX!  After EACH WORD, I SAY said word AND use it in a sentence.
So, I'm still "workin'.)

So, I'm trailing by 19 points going into my FINAL word.
I STRATEGICALLY place "trippy" (SHRUG!  The Scrabble-dictionary RECOGNIZED/VERIFIED it!) for (THREE touchdowns AND extra points) (…)  21 points.
Ergo, after doing the math, ("Carry the ONE."  "Borrow.""Multiplicative-inverse".  "Differentiate".)

I won by TWO points!

(… This is NOT that BIG of a deal.  I just like to create SUSPENSE.
Actually, I win MOST of our games.)


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