Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"The FIRST step is admitting you have a problem."

My name is A.J. Kaynatma, and I am ADDICTED to …


(RELAX!  It's JUST a computer-GAME!
There's NO alcohol-imbibing … that I KNOW OF!)

(I HAD TO "break it down" MATHEMATICALLY, 'cuz that's just WHAT I DO!)

The "Expert"-level board is

16 spaces LONG     by
30 spaces ACROSS   .

So, there are 480 POSSIBLE spaces.
There are 99 "bombs"/"mines" to AVOID.


99/480 =
0.20625   .

Hence--Therefore--Thus, with EACH of my clicks, I have a 20.63% chance of LOSING.

(… Numbers DON'T/CAN'T lie.)


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