Wednesday, January 15, 2014

(Wiping the SWEAT from my brow) What a (MENTAL) WORKOUT!

… I JUST beat the "Expert"-level of "Minesweeper
1 … 2 … 3 …


(I don't really pay attention to the timing, 'cuz the game DOESN'T.
Also, my LACK OF manual dexterity (PRE-accident BOTCHED forearm-surgery) PREVENTS me from "marking ANY bombs".

NONETHELESS, ALL of my WINS were < ("UNDER") 540 seconds (nine minutes).

So, to review:

16 spaces high by 30 spaces wide (480 square spaces) in UNDER 600 seconds (10 minutes) + WIN =


(… TIMES 4 games/WINS = GOOD start to my day!)

((… Yes, I'll admit that my THOROUGH "understanding OF"/"preference FOR" NUMBERS is A TAD (VERY) ODD (/"PECULIAR"--''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest''), but "to each his own".))

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