Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A WISE person once said:

"NEVER let your friends feel LONELY.
Disturb them ALL THE TIME."

(… "DISTURB them" is a phrase that's VERY MUCH "open to interpretation".
Personally, with my IN-ability to CONSISTENTLY, COGENTLY speak, I canNOT just call up a buddy to CHAT.  Also, my IN-ability to WALK and/or DRIVE renders me a bit STATIONARY.
(  : (  )
Ergo, I like/LOVE to HOST parties.
Finally, I DESPISE that TOO MANY people are IGNORANT to/of the MIRACLE of SCIENCE/DETERMINATION that is I (NOT "me", 'cuz it's a "predicate nominative").

P.S. The fact that all the "NORMS" (That's what I'm gonna call those who CAN walk and talk.)
(… No, I am NOT a MIDGET on 'Seinfeld'.)


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