Saturday, April 12, 2014

WOW! That's FOCUS!

So, I JUST beat the "EXPERT"-level of "Minesweeper" in a QUITE COMMENDABLE

344 seconds
(= 5 minutes and 44 seconds)
(= 5 11/15 minutes)
(= ~5.73 minutes)

I accomplished this feat DESPITE this nurse SPILLING my "food" on my arm.
(She--this nurse--almost ALWAYS does!

(… Perhaps my PATIENCE is returning/IMPROVING!)
(… OR, maybe my FOCUS is just THAT GOOD!)

Perhaps I should invest in some kind of LENGTHY seminar that teaches people techniques/tactics to HEIGHTEN their FOCUS.
I'd call it:

"A.J.'s Hardcore Concentration Camp"

The ad would say:
"NOT for the faint of heart … OR weak-minded."

(… WHAT?!  Was the reference to Adolf Hitler's HELLHOLES "OVER the line"?
I was JUST referencing a HILARIOUS 'South Park' episode!

… What?!  TOO SOON?!)


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