Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"One day (my head accountant) called and said:

… "We don't have to worry 'bout money no mo''.
And, I said, 'GOOD!  That's one less thing to worry about.'"
(--'Forrest Gump')

((… Like Forrest, I also have (SEVERE) leg-problems--which causes POOR/BAD posture.))

(INSTEAD of playing FOOTBALL in college, I WRESTLED.
However, I--like Forrest--WAS a "ping pong"-EXPERT.)

"My momma always said, ''You've got to put the PAST BEHIND you, before you can move on to the FUTURE.")

Yes, I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury".  Consequently, MANY people (FALSELY/UN-justly/IGNORANTLY,UN-knowingly) "ASS-u-me" that I'm an IGNORAMUS.
My reply:
"'Stupid' IS as 'stupid' DOES."

(--ALL quotes from 'Forrest Gump')


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