Tuesday, April 15, 2014


"Anything you're SCARED OF,

you should TRY!"
((--Captain America (Chris Evans))

I consider MYSELF a bit of a "risk-taker".
HOWEVER,  do I STILL get "categorized" (… BOO, "passive voice"!) … as such, EVEN THOUGH--before ANY action--I QUICKLY, MENTALLY "weigh the PROS versus the CONS" of said TASK?!

(… YEAH, in high school, I took "'Advanced Placement'/'College-level' Statistics" … as an ELECTIVE!)
(… Cough cough COUGH.  NERD!)

According to "the LAWS of PHYSICS",
"For EVERY ACTION, there is an EQUAL and OPPOSITE REaction."
(… This principle is the MAIN factor in my CONSTANT "calculations".)


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