Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Work with what you HAVE.

A WISE person once said/quipped:

"A person's most USEFUL asset is NOT
a head full of KNOWLEDGE,

but a heart full of LOVE,
an ear ready to LISTEN
and a hand ready to HELP."

(… These words PARTICULARLY "ring true" for/to ME.
Since I depend SO MUCH on the KINDNESS and CARE of OTHERS, I try to display my GRATITUDE:

-- I'm almost TOO kind and compassionate.
-- I have EXTRAORDINARY hearing.
(… WAIT!  SSSHHH!  My cousin--in Turkey--is getting frustrated while trying to get her infant-daughter to stop crying.  So, she SIGHED.)
-- Although I ONLY HAVE ~3/5  (three fifths) (60%) of a biologically-/anatomically-"GOOD" hand, I ALWAYS "put in the EFFORT".


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