Thursday, October 31, 2013

In-GENIUS outlook on LIFE!

"Think like a proton:

(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')

… This premise is very "glass is half-FULL"/OPTIMISTIC, which is how I like to think.

((Then again, people should still KNOW of the "WORST case scenario" to devise/prepare a SOUND strategy/plan.  (I'm ALL ABOUT the hypothetical: What IF?)
But, DON'T RELY on it like it's "SET in STONE"--as SO MANY of my doctors have been doing!))

To my doctors: I apologize for "breaking this to" y'all, but--CONTRARY to POPULAR belief--y'all are NOT "IN-fallible"!

(… Actually, I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry.)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"So, you're tellin' me there's a CHANCE!"

… --Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey of 'Dumb & Dumber')

Since I'm a Bio'(MEDICAL)engineer, and Dr. Gregory House--of the television show, 'House', is a (MEDICAL) doctor; I do NOT think that it's POMPOUS to HOPE that--ONE DAY--I could POSSIBLY emulate him.

Also, NEITHER one of us AMBULATES/walks particularly well.
(He uses a CANE.

Also ALSO,  we BOTH  are BEYOND smart/bright/logical.
(Was THAT condescending?
… Do I care?!)

Finally, we BOTH use SARCASTIC humor FREQUENTLY to deal with UNCOMFORTABLE situations.

But, HE can/did!

"You KNOW there's NOBODY in the WORLD who can 'count a SIX-deck chute'."

--'Rain Man'

(I can "count" ONLY one deck.
Ergo, I'm 16.67% of 'RAIN-Man'.)

(… According to comedian Daniel Tosh, my IMAGINARY name--if I were a meteorologist--would be "Penis DRIZZLE".)

(… Ha ha HA!
Given my SUB-par "state of affairs", I'm gonna JOKE about my DIS-abilities.  
After all, "LAUGHTER is the best medicine.")

"I think I'm ENTITLED to it."(--'A Few Good Men')

After my workout yesterday at "NeuroFit 360",

… I realized the quote from 'The Matrix'--both LITERALLY and METAPHORICALLY:

"There's a DIFFERENCE between KNOWING 'the path'
and 'WALKING' it."

(Only TIME will "tell".)


Sunday, October 27, 2013

"If Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy."

(My mom's a Speech-Pathologist.)

I made the INTUITIVE observation that--strangely/oddly/IRONICALLY--the word, "lisp", has an "s" in it.
So, it'd be a "LITHP".

Saturday, October 26, 2013

VALID point

"Maybe it's called 'the beaten path', 'cuz it can be BEATEN."
(--Acura-car commercial)

I've had SO MANY "DOUBTERS"/"HATERS" since my TRAUMATIC injury, that I feel SO MUCH pride and confidence for just the LITTLE things I accomplish!

... Ergo--Thus--Therefore--Consequently--Heretofore--But, I do NOT feel that I'm "BRAGGING", when I note my daily/weekly TRIUMPHS!

Although I AM a BIO-engineer (from the HIGHLY ESTEEMED University of Pennsylvania), I've lost almost ALL respect for so-called "DOCTORS".
According to THEM, I SHOULD "spend THE REST of (MY) SHORT life as a NON-functioning 'VEGETABLE"!

(… Since I'm OBVIOUSLY NOT a "vegetable", I HAVE TO question the PRESUMED "integrity" of a "MEDICAL degree".  Our RIDICULOUS "respect" and "admiration" for such "PHONIES" is RIDICULOUS "pomp and circumstance" that INFURIATES me!)

P.S. On a LESSER note (forearm compared to BRAIN), I have NOT been able to--WITHOUT ASSISTANCE--OPEN THREE of my right-handed fingers!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I've GOTTA stimulate BRAIN-activity!

So, I arose EARLY this morning (~5:42 am EST).
I needed something to do.
After checking the SPORTS-news and concluding that NOT MUCH had changed from LATE last night, I decoded to do some (MENTAL) "WORK".

I did something I've NEVER done before--even PRE-accident!

I BEAT the "Expert"-level of 99 "BOMBS"/"MINES" in (16 rows x 30 columns =) 480 "spaces" ...

(NO restarts.  NO break-time.  NO exaggeration.)


Then, again.

Then, AGAIN!

(I've GOTTA do more MATH!)

99 "bombs" in
480 "spaces"



APPROXIMATELY (~) one fifth (1/5 of) the "board"/"minefield" is "BOMBS".

PLUS, I have TWO--no, THREE--"handicaps":

1) Thanks to a PRE-accident surgery-MISHAP on my right forearm, I LACK the manual-dexterity/control to FULLY open THREE of my FIVE right-handed fingers.  So, I can't "MARK" certain spaces as "bombs".  (3/5 = 60 %)

2) I have SWVERE astigmatism in my LEFT eye.
(I developed this optic-lens curvature in BOTH eyes, but it's WAY worse in my LEFT eye.)


3) OH, YEAH!
I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" that SEVERELY limits/decreases my "memory-capacity/intake".
(... Further HARUMPF!)

Nonetheless, I'm singing:
"Ain't nobody gonna HOLD ME DOWN!"

Monday, October 21, 2013

"I was INSPIRED!" (Part II)

... One of the staff-members at "NeuroFit 360"--my PHENOMENAL gym--was/is GREAT for my mental-toughness/confidence!

This particular worker (Out of respect, I MUST maintain BOTH the name- AND gender-anonymity.) had MAJOR neck-surgery for a SIGNIFICANT neck-injury.
Yet NOW, this "NeuroFit 360"-employee stands, moves, WALKS and trains--WITH well-timed and appreciated HUMOR (a MUST-HAVE)--quite admirably!
Said worker likes to CONSTANTLY remind me to maintain PROPER neck/head-positioning.
I WELCOME this CORRECTING, 'cuz ALOTTA times I don't even REALIZE that I'm tilting!

Ergo, I APPRECIATE the cues!

"I was INSPIRED!" (Part I)

... On my way to my VERY HELPFUL gym ("NeuroFit 360"), I heard a song on the radio that got me PUMPED/"PSYCHED":

Bryan Adams's '"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"  .

(I was thinking in 3rd-person: The "You" is ME.)

(... EXCUSE ME!  It'd be "The 'You' is I", 'cuz it's a predicate-nominative.)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

HOW do I accumulate such an EXORBITANT amount of $$?!


"What would you do
If you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?
What would you do
If asked to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Would you think about all them people
Who gave up everything they had?
Would you think about all them War Vets
And would you start to feel bad?

Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
No, there's a hefty f---in' fee.
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

What would you do
If someone told you to fight for freedom?
Would you answer the call
Or run away like a little (female dog)?
'Cause the only reason that you're here
Is 'cause folks died for you in the past
So maybe now it's your turn
To die kicking some ass

Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
Now there's a hefty f---in' fee
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

You don't throw in your buck 'o five. Who will?
Oooh buck 'o five
Freedom costs a buck 'o five!"

(--'Team America: World Police')

Saturday, October 19, 2013

... YET ANOTHER "SHOUT-OUT" to my trainer(S):

My "LOWER body"-trainers at "NeuroFit"have aided me SO MUCH in building/developing my LEG-STRENGTH and LEG-MOBILITY!

It's tough to explain my PROGRESS without NUMBERS (MY language) or pictures (I'm NOT an artist.), so I'll work on a LEGITIMATE, LUCID explanation.


"Ignorance is BLISS."


(Let's PRETEND that "ignorance" does NOT mean a "LACK of knowledge".
Let's IMAGINE it means "the ability to KNOW but IGNORE".)

... Under SAID stipulations/guidelines, EVERY TIME I get out of the car when travellingl,  I look up at the "handle".
After GLARING at it and thinking: "You TEASE me, yet I'm BETTER than you", I DELIBERATELY harness my chi, gather my balance and swing out my legs.


However, in an effort to be more INDEPENDENT, I like/CHOOSE to do AS MUCH AS I CAN--ON MY OWN.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Some things NEVER change."

... -- 'The Matrix Revolutions'

... During my DAILY--WALKER-ASSISTED--"walking", I've noticed that my stride/gait is becoming QUITE smooth.  But, it's STILL sub-par in strength.

It's like my martial arts:
I may not have always displayed GREAT POWER.  But, the FLUIDITY was ALWAYS there.

"I'm talkin' about FORM.
I'm talkin' about FUNCTION.
God.  The devil.
Hell.  And heaven.
(--Harding, ''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'')

"But, some things DO."  (This is a glimmer of HOPE that I'll 'change' my CURRENT/TEMPORARY disability.)
(--ALSO from 'The Matrix Revolutions')

Monday, October 14, 2013

... MORE 'Rain Man':

(ME) Raymond: "Uh-OH, fart."

(MY) Younger brother: "How can you STAND that?!"

(ME) Ray: "I don't MIND it."

((Since "The Creator"(--'The Matrix Reloaded') recently CONFIRMED--AT my last NEUROLOGIC-rehab institute/facility--that I CAN--in fact--"COUNT CARDS", I STRONGLY believe that my EXTRAORDINARY "FLUENCY" in/with "NUMEROLOGY" coupled with my "Traumatic Brain-Injury" makes me a GREAT/PRIME candidate/example of a REAL-LIFE 'Rain Man'.))

(... Ergo, Vegas BEWARE!)

... "Of course. Today's Monday. (It's) Definitely not SATURDAY."

... "Dad lets me drive SLOW on the driveway.

"Twenty-seven minutes 'til 'Jeopardy'.
Practically    twenty-SIX."

"Of course, I don't have my tapioca pudding."

"Of course, MONDAY night's 'ITALIAN Night.
I have pepperoni PIZZA."

"Uh-OH, Vern.  V-E-R-N Vern.  My main man, Vern."

(I had a Physical Therapist named "Vern" at my last rehab-facility.)

'Quantus' NEVER crashed."

(--'Rain Man')

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I apologize. I WAS gonna write MORE.

"But, I gotta see about a girl."

(Robin Williams--about ME:) "He STOLE my line."

(... --'Good Will Hunting')

"Confucius say WHAT?!"

"Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your LIFE."(--Confucius)

IF this holds true, then I must ALWAYS be "working".

(... Yes, I AM IMPLYING that I do NOT even LIKE my "job" of rehabilitation.)

(... However, I DO understand that it's a "NECESSARY evil".
I am DETERMINED to prove any/ALL DOUBTERS "dead-WRONG"!)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chronological order:


"You GOTTA learn to DANCE, before you learn to CRAWL!"
(--song by Meat Loaf--played in the film, ''That's My Boy'')

(...Well--PRIOR to my accident,  I was QUITE the (GOOD) sight on the dance-floor!)

HOWEVER, "crawling" may be A BIT of a TOUGH-TASK with my LEFT-knee problems/injury.


I STILL managed to teach my mom the PROPER "form" for punching.

1) Clench your fingers TIGHT in a CLOSED fist.

2) Lay thumb OVER CLOSED, TIGHTENED fingers.

3) ... The thumb SHOULD BE resting on the CLOSED middle finger.

4) The TIGHTENED fist SHOULD rest along the SIDE of the body.
It's STILL TIGHTENED--palm UP--along the ~FOURTH rib.

5) INHALE air BEFORE striking to "oxygenate"/"fuel" muscles.

6) When striking, the CLENCHED fist SHOULD drag along the side of the stomach--with the fist STILL fingers facing UP.

7) RIGHT BEFORE striking the target, one OVERTURNS the fist to 'front punch' desired target with an OVERHANDED strike/punch.

8) Make sure to EXHALE during the contact.

9) BE SURE to maintain a TIGHT, CLENCHED throughout the strike to protect OWN fingers.


(Granted, my mom didn't execute a PROPER punch until her 14th try,)
(1/14 = .71428 = ~71.43%)

(... Japanese '"martial arts"-teacher' = 'sensei')
(... I AM one.)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

... "GREAT workout!" (Part II)

Yesterday I further demonstrated my ONGOING improvements in

AND flexibility.

(... These "betterments" were/are ALL done so by my UPPER-body.)

(... "Tuesday's 'ARMS and BACK'."

NOT up in HERE!

... Maybe it's from my 21+ years (and counting ...) of "martial arts"-training,
OR maybe it's YET ANOTHER side-effect/consequence of my ACCIDENT.

But, I feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, when other people TOUCH my face.
(... UNLESS said "toucher" is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.)
(... Okay, the fact that I'm using my blog to "drop LAME 'pick-up lines'" on INNOCENT females is just SAD/PATHETIC!)
(... But, "to each his own".)

... However, this/my discomfort HAS INCREASED my INDEPENDENCE and desire to do things MYSELF.

"So, I've got THAT goin' for me--which is nice."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

GREAT workout! (Part I)

YESTERDAY, I sat in a machine that stretched and "worked" my INNER-THIGHS.

Also, I was flat on my back on the floor as I "pedaled" my feet/legs on a machine over me as I lifted the opposite-sided arm SIMULTANEOUSLY.

(This exercise REALLY helped me CONTROL my tendency to hyperextend my LEFT leg.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

I am NOT "Patrick Bateman"!

Despite my "T.B.I." ("Traumatic Brain-Injury"), I am NOT the/an

'American Psycho'!

((GREAT film ... for FUTURE-Batman (Christian Bale)!))

PHYSICAL evidence:

"... 'SCARS' are EVIDENCE that the past actually happened."
(--Hannibal Lector in 'Red Dragon')

... My VISIBLE injury--"evidence STILL includes

-- a THREE-inch long surgical "SCAR" along my right forearm
-- a 3/4 of an inch "SCAR" around my left big-toe



... (Mr. Kaynatma--ME) REBORN.  Do you see?!"
(Thomas Harris's 'Red Dragon')

In terms of the film, I am--OBVIOUSLY--NOT dead--just EMOTIONALLY.
("The lambs have been silenced."--Thomas Harris's 'Silence of the Lambs')

... Thanks to the FANTASTIC help from the staff of/at my gym--"NeuroFit 360"--I'm noticing TREMENDOUS--metaphorical AND literal--"steps" toward my PROPER, UN-assisted standing/walking.

P.S. I am NOT a "DIRTY, little BEAST"!
(--'Red Dragon')

Sunday, October 6, 2013

GREAT (funny) point! (I wish I'd have thought of that!)

"Old MacDonald was a REALLY BAD speller."

"Spell 'cow'."
(Buzzer for IN-correct answer)

(--GEICO commercial)

In comparison--not to brag, but I WON my elementary SCHOOL-WIDE Spelling Bee in fourth grade.


... I WILL "change the stahs".
(--''A Knight's Tale'')

Friday, October 4, 2013

(SIGH) Need I remind y'all?

I actually ENCOURAGE/WELCOME "comments"/"feedback" on my blog-posts.

I've ONLY received ONE "comment" thus far, and I THINK I figured out how to "reply" to said "commenter".


Thursday, October 3, 2013

I am a man

... of MANY talents.

My brother commented--AFTER one of his Turkish-reviews with/for his girlfriend--IN MY BEDROOM (... on the whiteboard) about ME:

"His pronunciation of TURKISH is better than ENGLISH!"

(It probably HELPS that Turkish is PHONETIC.)

(Also, I'm VERY HAPPY that I REMEMBER much of the language!)

P.S. In addition to my "MASTERY" of the ENGLISH language, I ALSO know a GOOD PORTION of

-- Turkish
-- Spanish
-- Japanese
-- Latin

... "MY 'POINT'"

... "is 'DESTINY' is what we MAKE of it."
(--'The Bone Collector')

I can REALY relate to this SPECTACULAR film!

Approximately five years ago, I was doing my (SECONDARY) job (teaching martial arts), when a TERRIBLE, UNFORTUNATE, TRAUMATIC accident happened.  Since I'm an ANOMALY, I--like "Lincoln Rhyme" (played by actor Denzel Washington)--WAS VERY INTELLIGENT PRE-accident and STILL AM.

Mr. Rhyme was/is a LITERARY "junkie".
While my area of expertise is more MATHEMATICAL.

This film--SOMEWHAT--shows some of the UNFORTUNATE, AGGRAVATING (ILL-SPOKEN) ASS-umptions that people can make about SEVERELY disabled people--like myself.



My "neural-psychologist" does NOT "loathe" that I do SO MUCH mental math SO WELL!
She merely gets amazed at my accuracy.
Also, she tends to get SLIGHTLY bewildered/befuddled by/at my CONSTANT (MENTAL) "number-crunching".

It is just WHAT I DO.

(SOME people are more ARTSY-FARTSY.
Personally, I prefer it STRAIGHT-UP, "CUT N' DRY".)

(NUMBERS don't/CAN'T lie.

Granted, they may be "open to INTERPRETATION".
But, THAT ONUS "falls upon" each respective viewer.)

(... WHOA!  That was DEEP.)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

GREAT day!

1) I fed MYSELF---via MOUTH--~1.5 cups of peaches in ~SEVEN minutes.
(NO problems!)

2) My Speech Therapist INTUITIVELY noted that my LACK OF feeling my CONSTANT tongue-biting is due to my nerve-DISconnections.  Her LIKELY TRUE explanation falls in DIRECT CONTRAST to MY (HOPEFUL, EGOTISTICAL) theory that my 21+ years of "martial arts"-training    have gotten me just USED TO "dealing with" and IGNORING pain.
(... SEMI-related: I'm gonna "IGNORE" my "SEMI-"run-on sentence.)

3) I had a FANTASTIC workout at my STUPENDOUS gym ("NeuroFit 360")!
-- I did SEVEN "sit-to-stands", WHILE I maintained PROPER, STRAIGHT neck- & back-posture.
-- I "made/took GREAT strides" (BOTH LITERALLY and METAPHORICALLY) on the treadmill.

4) I discussed--and RESOLVED--some issues of MY business.
(MORE on THAT later ...)

P.S.    The sum of the first 16 squares (INCLUDING 0) is a multiple of the FIRST EVEN square.
( 1240)

(I JUST wanted to include #s in this blog-post.)
(... PLUS, I wanted to display the "STRENGTH" of my "mental math"-"POWER".)
(... "Knock on wood.")

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

... "You know as well as I do,"

... "there's work on nerve-regeneration EVERY DAY."
(--'The Bone Collector')

(Well, I'm PATIENTLY waiting--and DILIGENTLY, FERVENTLY laboring--to have MY "day" of WALKING, TALKING, TASTING, SMELLING, etc.)

(I have the word BRILLIANTLY painted on the ceiling at my WONDERFUL gym, "NeuroFit 360"--"HOPE"!)

SSSHHH! D' ya hear that?

... My neuro-psychologist LOATHES/SULKS when I do (MENTAL) math.
So, basically she loathes when I ... BREATHE.

(This is VERY RANDOM.))

I was born on April 8th, 1985.  Let's say my birth was (IRONICALLY) at ~"HIGH NOON".
So, as of RIGHT NOW (October 1st at ~5:00 pm)), I'm

~28.4924 years 10,220 days + 175 + 7 (Leap Years) = 10,402 days ~ 208040 + 41608 + 5 = 249,653 hours ~ 14,979,180 minutes "YOUNG"

P.S. I JUST figured out 30% (3/10) of that--in my MIND--in the car on my way home from my most recent neuro-appointment.
(She INSPIRED me!)


... GENERALIZED "theme":

Since NUMBERS are an ESSENTIAL, NECESSARY part of MY ORGANIZATIONAL, BALANCED thinking, my viewers may notice the FREQUENCY of/by which they appear in my blogging.

ALSO, I'm a BIG "movie-buff" (No, my diction/word-choice does NOT imply that I'm an AVID viewer/participator in the workout-videos of "Hanz and Franz" from old-school 'S.N.L.'.).  But, REMARKABLY, I'd STILL consider myself to have an ATHLETIC-build.
So, I'll tend to quote movies and/or television shows and relate them to my PROGRESS.

(... I'd ESTIMATE that EITHER of these topics are included in ~7/8 (87.5%) of my blogs.
(MATH-"strength" + brain-injury = TEXTBOOK film: 'A Beautiful Mind')

In summary, I am like the film, 'Phenomenon'--without all the religious WHAT-NOT.

SELF-applicable MATH:

IF the saying,

"EARLY to bed and EARLY to rise makes a man HEALTHY, WEALTHY and WISE"

holds true, then by only fulfilling HALF (1/2) of said requirements, I accomplish two thirds (2/3) of the predicted results.
(Was THAT a RUN-ON sentence?!
(... I stay awake LATE.  I'm a "night-owl".
My LACK OF properly walking AND/OR talking indicates that I'm NOT 100% "HEALTHY".)

... WOW!  Am I just THAT GOOD that--with HALF the "FIREPOWER"--I produce an ADDITIONAL 0.166(repeating) of the PREDICTED results?!

"Sur-vey SAYS"(--'Family Feud):

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