Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I've GOTTA stimulate BRAIN-activity!

So, I arose EARLY this morning (~5:42 am EST).
I needed something to do.
After checking the SPORTS-news and concluding that NOT MUCH had changed from LATE last night, I decoded to do some (MENTAL) "WORK".

I did something I've NEVER done before--even PRE-accident!

I BEAT the "Expert"-level of 99 "BOMBS"/"MINES" in (16 rows x 30 columns =) 480 "spaces" ...

(NO restarts.  NO break-time.  NO exaggeration.)


Then, again.

Then, AGAIN!

(I've GOTTA do more MATH!)

99 "bombs" in
480 "spaces"



APPROXIMATELY (~) one fifth (1/5 of) the "board"/"minefield" is "BOMBS".

PLUS, I have TWO--no, THREE--"handicaps":

1) Thanks to a PRE-accident surgery-MISHAP on my right forearm, I LACK the manual-dexterity/control to FULLY open THREE of my FIVE right-handed fingers.  So, I can't "MARK" certain spaces as "bombs".  (3/5 = 60 %)

2) I have SWVERE astigmatism in my LEFT eye.
(I developed this optic-lens curvature in BOTH eyes, but it's WAY worse in my LEFT eye.)


3) OH, YEAH!
I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" that SEVERELY limits/decreases my "memory-capacity/intake".
(... Further HARUMPF!)

Nonetheless, I'm singing:
"Ain't nobody gonna HOLD ME DOWN!"

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