Tuesday, October 1, 2013

SSSHHH! D' ya hear that?

... My neuro-psychologist LOATHES/SULKS when I do (MENTAL) math.
So, basically she loathes when I ... BREATHE.

(This is VERY RANDOM.))

I was born on April 8th, 1985.  Let's say my birth was (IRONICALLY) at ~"HIGH NOON".
So, as of RIGHT NOW (October 1st at ~5:00 pm)), I'm

~28.4924 years 10,220 days + 175 + 7 (Leap Years) = 10,402 days ~ 208040 + 41608 + 5 = 249,653 hours ~ 14,979,180 minutes "YOUNG"

P.S. I JUST figured out 30% (3/10) of that--in my MIND--in the car on my way home from my most recent neuro-appointment.
(She INSPIRED me!)


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