Wednesday, October 2, 2013

GREAT day!

1) I fed MYSELF---via MOUTH--~1.5 cups of peaches in ~SEVEN minutes.
(NO problems!)

2) My Speech Therapist INTUITIVELY noted that my LACK OF feeling my CONSTANT tongue-biting is due to my nerve-DISconnections.  Her LIKELY TRUE explanation falls in DIRECT CONTRAST to MY (HOPEFUL, EGOTISTICAL) theory that my 21+ years of "martial arts"-training    have gotten me just USED TO "dealing with" and IGNORING pain.
(... SEMI-related: I'm gonna "IGNORE" my "SEMI-"run-on sentence.)

3) I had a FANTASTIC workout at my STUPENDOUS gym ("NeuroFit 360")!
-- I did SEVEN "sit-to-stands", WHILE I maintained PROPER, STRAIGHT neck- & back-posture.
-- I "made/took GREAT strides" (BOTH LITERALLY and METAPHORICALLY) on the treadmill.

4) I discussed--and RESOLVED--some issues of MY business.
(MORE on THAT later ...)

P.S.    The sum of the first 16 squares (INCLUDING 0) is a multiple of the FIRST EVEN square.
( 1240)

(I JUST wanted to include #s in this blog-post.)
(... PLUS, I wanted to display the "STRENGTH" of my "mental math"-"POWER".)
(... "Knock on wood.")

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