Saturday, October 26, 2013

VALID point

"Maybe it's called 'the beaten path', 'cuz it can be BEATEN."
(--Acura-car commercial)

I've had SO MANY "DOUBTERS"/"HATERS" since my TRAUMATIC injury, that I feel SO MUCH pride and confidence for just the LITTLE things I accomplish!

... Ergo--Thus--Therefore--Consequently--Heretofore--But, I do NOT feel that I'm "BRAGGING", when I note my daily/weekly TRIUMPHS!

Although I AM a BIO-engineer (from the HIGHLY ESTEEMED University of Pennsylvania), I've lost almost ALL respect for so-called "DOCTORS".
According to THEM, I SHOULD "spend THE REST of (MY) SHORT life as a NON-functioning 'VEGETABLE"!

(… Since I'm OBVIOUSLY NOT a "vegetable", I HAVE TO question the PRESUMED "integrity" of a "MEDICAL degree".  Our RIDICULOUS "respect" and "admiration" for such "PHONIES" is RIDICULOUS "pomp and circumstance" that INFURIATES me!)

P.S. On a LESSER note (forearm compared to BRAIN), I have NOT been able to--WITHOUT ASSISTANCE--OPEN THREE of my right-handed fingers!


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