Tuesday, October 1, 2013

... GENERALIZED "theme":

Since NUMBERS are an ESSENTIAL, NECESSARY part of MY ORGANIZATIONAL, BALANCED thinking, my viewers may notice the FREQUENCY of/by which they appear in my blogging.

ALSO, I'm a BIG "movie-buff" (No, my diction/word-choice does NOT imply that I'm an AVID viewer/participator in the workout-videos of "Hanz and Franz" from old-school 'S.N.L.'.).  But, REMARKABLY, I'd STILL consider myself to have an ATHLETIC-build.
So, I'll tend to quote movies and/or television shows and relate them to my PROGRESS.

(... I'd ESTIMATE that EITHER of these topics are included in ~7/8 (87.5%) of my blogs.
(MATH-"strength" + brain-injury = TEXTBOOK film: 'A Beautiful Mind')

In summary, I am like the film, 'Phenomenon'--without all the religious WHAT-NOT.

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