Monday, October 21, 2013

"I was INSPIRED!" (Part II)

... One of the staff-members at "NeuroFit 360"--my PHENOMENAL gym--was/is GREAT for my mental-toughness/confidence!

This particular worker (Out of respect, I MUST maintain BOTH the name- AND gender-anonymity.) had MAJOR neck-surgery for a SIGNIFICANT neck-injury.
Yet NOW, this "NeuroFit 360"-employee stands, moves, WALKS and trains--WITH well-timed and appreciated HUMOR (a MUST-HAVE)--quite admirably!
Said worker likes to CONSTANTLY remind me to maintain PROPER neck/head-positioning.
I WELCOME this CORRECTING, 'cuz ALOTTA times I don't even REALIZE that I'm tilting!

Ergo, I APPRECIATE the cues!

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