Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It is human-NATURE to FEAR what they/we do NOT understand.

Ergo, NO--ZERO--ZILCH--(SUPPOSEDLY) "esteemed" DOCTORS comprehend my being an "ANOMALY"(--my doctors), I MUST "FRIGHTEN" 'em ALL!

((… Not to be crude, but I'd point and LAUGH at said MEDICAL-"experts" (HA!), WHEN they PISS their pants!))

(… Mathematical-TRANSLATION:
"Qualitative-comparison" --
MY "Traumatically Injured Brain-POWER" & DETERMINATION  >> Their medical BELIEFS/"CRAP")

(… NEED I remind y'all of my college-degree in "Biomedical Engineering".  So, I … KINDA understand this "area"/"field".)

P.S. One "DOCTOR" actually laughed--IN MY FACE, when he learned of my educational-background.
(Upon hearing this, I HAD TO exhibit "SELF-CONTROL"^nth-degree to NOT punch him!)


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