Sunday, May 18, 2014


(PLEASE remember the "Order of Operations":
"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" --
"Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction")

1 x 2^3 / 4 + (5 - 6) x (7 - 8) x 9

= the OPPOSITE of "the word to DECLINE an invitation to discuss the/HIS NON-standard analysis of MATHEMATICAL implementation in/to HIS/the 'Transcendental Law of Homogeneity' with ONE  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz"
(… He's German.)

(The German word for 'NO' is 'NIYN'.)
= -9

Ergo, since "two WRONGS make a RIGHT", I MUST'VE devised this problem CORRECTLY.

(… So, TECHNICALLY, wouldn't you be ACCEPTING the discussion-invitation?)
(… Why wouldN'T you?!)

(… I have some SERIOUS "NERDY-issues".)

P.S. I will NOT admit that I may or may NOT have PONDERED about this upon my (PORCELAIN) "throne".


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