Monday, May 26, 2014

(WARNING) "ASK, and you SHALL receive."

(I VEHEMENTLY apologize, if any of y'all are offended/disgusted by this "TOPIC of discussion"!  But, then again, I SHANT censor myself in MY blog just to APPEASE the majority.
This is NOT a democracy!  It is a literary/blogocratic AUTOCRACY!)

So, today I realized that it had been a FEW days since I last "excreted my FECAL-'waste'"--into my "PORCELAIN THRONE".
Thus, I asked my "pusher"--my nurse--for some "meds" to BETTER "settle" and "regulate" the LAST/ENDING section of my digestive-process.

In a span of ~575 minutes (nine hours and 35 minutes) (~8:17 am - ~5:52 pm), I "evacuated my bowels" not once but TWICE!

"ONE for BAD.  TWO for GOOD."
--'Rain Man'

P.S. I can TOTALLY relate to that FANTASTIC film:

-- I have a MISUNDERSTOOD brain-injury/disorder.
-- I know ALOTTA random sports-trivia.
-- My MENTAL math/numbers-skills are MORE than EXEMPLARY!


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